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Love Story Challenge 2019


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I'm a little late, but here is day 1. Learning already. Thanks Cassel!. Everyone's work looks awesome. So glad to see familiar names. @Sue-am so enjoying another round of your photography and scrapbook pages. @Barbara Hall-I too live in South Louisiana. Happy Mardi Gras!
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Well, this turned out to be a lot harder than it should have been.  For some reason, my 2019 version of PSP didn't want to let me paint over the raster to make a mask.  The paint brush would only remove a small amount of the layer at a time and I ended up with a situation akin to trying to remove a product sticker from a piece of plasticware.  I kept virtually scrubbing and only bits of the layer would come up.  And then the program kept shutting down.  I finally gave up and opened my 2018 version of PSP and had no trouble at all.  This isn't the first problem I've had with the newer version--it also won't accept plug-ins.  I've been in contact by email with Corel and have received instructions via email to fix that.  But the fix didn't work.  It's frustrating because all communication has been via email and there's a day or so lag between me doing what I've been instructed to do, sending info to my assigned technician saying it didn't work, then waiting a day or so until he responds.  Anyway . . . has anyone else had problems PSP 2019?


So, this is my day 4 page. All of the pictures I've been using are of my granddaughter at a younger age. I decided to put up-to-date pictures of her in the process of doing flips on the corner of each page (I went back and added them to my other pages).  Then I also decided to forgo words on each page until later.

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Day 4:  I've never had to work so hard! Computer and software problems. Ugh! Oh, had two teeth filled today which didn't help.


Anyway, finally finished the on for today.  This is my oldest daughter's youngest. She is six years older than our youngest so there's a space between the kids. Our adopted son was killed in a car wreck at 21 (1997) and he never gave us any grand kids.

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Day 4:  The subject I chose for today's is a beautiful but invasive flower, the American Lotus.  Creating my own mask using the watercolor brushes that were part of the download allowed me to tailor the mask perfectly for this photo.   I used a textured background, then added noise to it.  I used Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow plugin on the frame.



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Hello Scrapbook Campers. Thanks for the tut Cassel and you are right, it is addictive, :) Photo used was by Annie Spratt from Unsplash. I made a simple square frame copied it as a new image, applied Cassel's script -scribbles- to it and re-inserted it into the page. I love the scribbles effect. Thanks for takin a peek.
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Annie, I didn't know about Cassel's script "Scribbles" -- that's a really great effect!  I'll have to put that script on my wish list -- thanks!


This tutorial on making your own mask is so useful.  When it came to making a frame, I blanked out on how to make a simple white frame so went to Cassel's element creation page for frames and found instructions on how to make a rustic wooden one instead.  Once I had finished my page and checked out everyone else's creative efforts, I realized just how easy it would have been to make that simple white frame, and the page probably would have looked better with it too.  Oh well, I couldn't waste the wooden frame I worked so hard on so left it in the project anyway.


The background paper pattern is from Pixelscrapper's Paper Templates #18 Dog Overlay.  The paper tag is also from their Puppy Dog Mini Kit.  The font is "Gunter Hund" (Good Dog), a free font from DaFont.com.



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Day 4--I've decided not to write anything on my pages for now.  Each of the pages I'm making have pictures of my granddaughter when she was younger. At the bottom of each page I'm putting pictures of her I took last week showing her in  various positions as she does front and back flips.



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Day 3

Well after much hogwash (PSP freezing and having to close......and bad me for not saving)  I have redone Day 3.

Not really happy with the main picture,  no matter how much I played with the brightness so it wouldn't be 'cloudy'  I ended up going with it as it was.

This is my son and his gorgeous wife on their wedding day,  with his brother and sister and myself and his stepdad.

The little quote reflects the family cycle.

I moved things around a little,  rotated the mask to suit the photo and put a pink paper as the background (pink was their colours for the wedding)  and did the kalidescope using the flowers from Kels bouquet,  then used the blend overlay and lowered the opacity so it was just visible.

The ribbon also used the bouquet flowers.

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Day 4


I like this method of making masks,  I've done it before,  but I don't know how many times I went round the photos,  white,  no black,  bit more white,  some more black.....  still not quite happy with it.

But it is fun!

This is my son and step son and their families and of course my daughter and partner and hubby and I.

I had 3 Christmas's  this year.  Christmas Day,  27th and 28th December,  just so at some point we could be together as family as everyone couldn't be in the one place at the one time due to work.

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Day 4:  I’ve never had to work so hard! Computer and software problems. Ugh! Oh, had two teeth filled today which didn’t help.


Anyway, finally finished the on for today.  This is my oldest daughter’s youngest. She is six years older than our youngest so there’s a space between the kids. Our adopted son was killed in a car wreck at 21 (1997) and he never gave us any grand kids.


Posted this yesterday.... in 2018's forum!!

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Day 5. Thank you shutterpixi, and everyone else for their  lovely comments  on my pages.   Such a high standard of work done by everyone.  The creativity gives us all  inspiration. Well done all! Simplicity should be my second name.  The clipart I found online sometime ago, they are brightly  coloured, but I found  they dominated the page, so I used the blend mode, luminance legacy. The background paper is a gradient I made, with a  faint  texture.  As for the fox I shot from a great distance, as I didn't want  to disturb this  cutest of chaps.  It may have been 30 below, but with the heat of the sun  on his back and his brush keeping his lower body warm, I wouldn't mind betting he was  a lot warmer than I was, especially  my face and hands.
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Sue, I love your photo of the fox with the snowflake layout, very nice.


I used the same photo as in Day 4 with four free heart brushes from Brusheezy, called Touch My Heart Lite.  Using Cassel's suggestion, I made the background paper with Kaleidoscope, this time seamlessly tiled it, reduced the size, added a Gaussian blur of 20, and made the pattern 75% opaque with a taupe-colored base paper layer.  The white paper frame really made the photo pop!  Font is still Gunter Hund, like yesterday.  The quote is from a poem by Rumi which was made into a song called "Love Dog" by the group TV On The Radio.  I've really been enjoying practicing mask making and feel so much more confident about the process.  Thanks for the great tutorials, Cassel!

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