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What are you working on (in January 2019)


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Very nice curls, ladies.


DeLoris, I like how you made it into a stamp.


I think I watched a PSP tutorial a while back and I created the pic with that gorgeous black stallion. Then about a year later, I used that technique for my gaming group. I'm definitely going to check out Carole's tut on the blog as I'm sure it will be easier (plus I've learned so much from the campus since then).


~ Michele

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I like using the Out Of Bounds technique, Cassel's tutorial was a bit easier to understand than others I have seen. I thought I would post a birthday card I did for my Brother-In-Law. It features the Karunda Railway near Cairns, in Queensland. You can travel up to Karunda in the train then back down on a cable car, Brian and my sister had done the trip when they visited from England in 2007.
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Great job on your projects, ladies!


Now that the bootcamp is over, I found time to experiment. Here are two birthday cards I made using new (for me) techniques. I hope they don't lose too much detail after resizing them down.


The one I made for Ute uses a mask I made and effects: artistic: halftone lines. I was inspired by someone who used Filter Forge to make something that looked like the same gradient was used for the picture and the frame. I wanted to replicate the effect without using any plugins. It wasn't the same, but I was pleased with the results.


The second one was a bit tedious, but I liked what I ended up with. I learned to do a "flower twirl effect" in a PSP group on Facebook. The background was made using the floral image with radial blurs, distortion effect twirls, many layers, opacity levels, mergings...rinse, lather, repeat.


If anyone wants details on how I did anything, please feel free to ask. I just didn't want to bore anyone with too much information.


~ Michele

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this is one of the cog wheels I made with the cog wheel, rusty, acrylic glitter, and edge magic scripts. Plus a lot of layers and shadows and bevels and a pattern i made in painter.


I know, not really scrapbook stuff but I make designs for shirts and book covers etc.

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Thanks, Teri. To be perfectly honest, I think the tutorial might have used a horse. I'm glad you liked it.


Your layouts are wonderful. I think I mentioned on the FB page that I love the way you displayed your family history. The pics of the butte are wonderful.


Love your cog wheel, Anna. It's very creative.


~ Michele

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I incorporated some of the things we learned at the bootcamp to make the daily pic for my gaming group. I'm so glad I finally know how to use the Selections: Modify: Select Selection Borders properly. In the past, I wouldn't always know that I wanted borders on the individual pics until after I started my layout. I do these daily pics on the fly most days and my workarounds took so much time. Knowing how to use the tool properly saves me a lot of time, effort, and frustration.


~ Michele

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