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Scrap Bootcamp - January 2019


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Hi Eveyone,


I am new here and also a newbie to scrapbooking.  I completed Bootcamp Day 1, 2 and 3 and created my very first scrapbook page using paper and elements from the Boy Puppy Dog set from AMB Illustration.  It was a lot of fun to make.  I'm sure I will enjoy the rest of the classes.



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Here is my lesson 3 completed.


This is a photo of my Mum she was 89 year old and just had her ears pierced for the first time, I was so proud of her.

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OK, Day 3.  It is probably obvious that I'm not a scrapbooker, but I like the tutorials and I'm learning stuff.  I didn't spend a lot of time looking for a picture, just went to my favorite subject...my better half.  (and in case you were wondering...this is my nephew's car)



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Here is my Day 3 scrap page.    This is my Grand daughter and her friends.  I have no idea when it was taken.  The kit I used is a very old one called Autumn I believe.  It is by Jen White from Digital Scrapper.  I may have overdone it on levels but it seemed kind of dull to me.  I am also not sure that the orange things needed shadow but they were not a part of the background paper.  I typed the word friends and then made a selection and promoted it on the polka dot part and then placed the orange text under to give a 3 D effect.  I am kind of out of practice these days since I mostly do tags rather than scrap pages


I have so enjoyed seeing what everyone is doing.  Thanks Carole for these classes.



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Hello you all :)


I'm Andrea from Germany. I work with PSP 2019, but not for long. I'm new in scrapbooking.


I start today. My workspace ist dark and dark :) and I have the Material and Layers open, tools - surely and others I open and close when I need them.


My table is now covered, too :)





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Here is today's project for the bootcamp.  Even though I have been digitally scrapping for a while now (thanks to Cassel) I knew that I would pick up things, bits and pieces, watching these videos and then doing the projects.  Had to go back and view again as I missed a couple of things that Cassel does differently than I do.  GREAT INFORMATION.  Thanks.
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