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Scrap Bootcamp - January 2019


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OK, Now I think I have 3 posts in somewhere???  I hope my name is on this.  I'm terrible between Forums, Facebook.  I'm great with e-mail....soooo....much to learn and I do want to understand this stuff. - THANKS
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OK, this is my final project :( I'm so sad to see this end :( Thank you SO much Carole, I learned so much and you are a wonderful teacher!!!


Everyone did so great and I loved seeing everyone else's projects! I know I still have a lot to learn and I'll be checking my budget for next month so I can keep learning  new things!!


Carole, will we always have access to these bootcamp videos?


Hugs to all



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Hi Carola and Boot Campers

Sorry a bit late with Day 2 Homeworkbut have now received my new computer and installed PSP 2019 Ultimate.

My extra work on this exercise (at the end of the camp work) will be to add a drink to the cupand change the bread to brown wholemeal.


Having a problem with my brouser , it does not like pspimage format will have to check this out.

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I just want to say again that I'm very impressed with everyone's work. It's wonderful to see so many different interpretations of the same tutorials. We can be inspired by each other's layouts and incorporate some ideas into our own.


Cassel, this bootcamp was wonderful, not just for newbies, but for the rest of us, too. I always learn something from you. Thank you for doing this.


~ Michele

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@James, it is not a browser issue, the forum won't take or display .pspimage files, so you have to save them in .jpg format before uploading them. Typically, nothing will accept .pspimages (not Facebook or Instagram or Pinterest) because it cannot be displayed without PSP.
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Hi Scrapbook Campers. Well, if anybody else thought they were late in starting toss that shame into the bin. Returning from a 10 day Noble Silence and Meditation retreat plus needing several days to get back into the land of living makes for a very late start indeed! Ready for Bootcamp now!!


Am using PSP 2019 Ultimate and the settings are exactly the same as Cassels.


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I ordered prints of my 5 layouts.  I plan to include them in my large scrapbooks with all my paper pages. They came out great. I KNEW 12x12 was big (I have done paper for years) but I guess I never realized that my pictures would be so big when they were printed! I usually put 5 pics or so on a page (when doing paper), so to have pages with only 1 picture... it is bigger than 5x7. My little brain hadn't put that together. I plan to add some paper ephemera to each page (tickets, etc). I think I like this combination scraping.  And I will definitely try more layouts with multiple pictures.



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Hi Michele. Thanks so much for your delightful comments, very much appreciated. The background was from a plaid paper background and the edge was from one of Carole's tuts - It was called Frayed Edges (2) and can be located under Classes, Intermediate, Creative Scraps, Edges, Frayed Edges (2). Have fun, it was really easy to do and the result was very pleasing! <3

P.S. The retreat was really hard work and sleeping featured a lot, lol! Who would have thought that 10 days of Noble Silence and meditation could take so much out of a person ... but, it was wonderful, thank you.

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There is so much in the campus that I just haven't gotten to yet, Annie. There's not enough time in the day to do everything I want.


The pics on your day 5 are perfect together. I didn't realize they were from different photogs until I read your comments. You have a great eye.


~ Michele



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Hello all, I'm Dan from Oklahoma, downloaded PSP 2019 the day I started to Bootcamp tutorials, first time I ever used it. I did get through all the tutorials, late after I got home from a vacation. Finished up my first page as you can see below. Kind of off the mark from some of the kits in the tutorials, but being a 72 year old man I have a little trouble relating to the flowers and frills. I will be taking the Basic class, hope to learn a lot more. I hope to put some of my family and travel photos into my future pages.


Please feel free to give constructive comments, thanks.



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@Richard, don't worry about the flowers and the frills. We use them mostly to show and explain about shadows because they have a different thickness than other elements, but nobody HAS to use them. Some people just prefer minimal embellishments or none at all. It all depends on your page and your preferences. Everyone is unique in that! Great page! I like how you used that photo as a background!
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Dan, I don't always do flowery layouts. If you look in the showroom at the monthly "What Are You Working On" sections, you'll see the diverse styles people have.


I think your page is great; you featured your pics in a wonderful way. And I agree with Cassel...using a photo for the background really made it special.


~ Michele

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