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Scrap Bootcamp - January 2019


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Hi everyone,


Finally, finished Day 7. I don't want this to end. Cassel, this is exactly the kind of course I was hoping it was going to be. I needed to see how a page was put together and how to use elements and papers and all that good stuff. You did not disappoint. It has really fired up some creative juices in me. I'm already planning my next page. Happy Camper here!! Thank you so much.

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I almost day six tutorial. I'm glad I read the other posts talking about the eraser! So here it is. This has been so helpful to me with this software. All the participants have been so great with your notes and creativity. It's been awesome.


This photo is one of my daughter at the beach on a camping trip years ago on Grand Isle, LA south of New Orleans. Long before I had a digital camera. Still one of my favorites. She now has a little girl of her own about the same age that I featured on my last scrapbook page. It's the looking at the pictures, new and old, that has scrapbooking, paper or digital, one of my favorite hobbies. Sewing for them and others though is at the top. Loved doing this but I got a baby quilt to make for my niece. Can't wait for the next one. THANKS CASSEL!

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Well my last one.... Day 7

It has been fun and I've enjoyed doing them all.

Just one complaint....... while looking for scrapkits  I have spent way too much time looking at ALL the kits  that I'd totally forgotten about and have now 'discovered'  again...... and thats only on the external hard drive I'm currently using.

Not to mention all the photos when searching for some to use,  it was like a trip down memory lane  lol.


And the text wrapping....... what an awesome thing that is to have in PSP now.   Definately going to have to try and save for a later version  just for that alone.   Using it a lot in Word,  I love text wrapping so doing it the  old way in PSP.  Could I get used to doing text differently.......  oh yes I could!!!


So this page is dedicated to my old girl (kitty).   She is 22 yrs old next month and at the rate she's going she'll be around for a while yet  I hope.  She was actually a birthday present for my daughters 8th birthday but when she moved out of home at 20,  I kind of inherited the cat.

Thanks Carole  I'm glad I signed up!  Even after PSP'ing for all these years  I did learn something

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Here is my Day 6. I used the free kp-Tranquility set as I thought it suited the koalas. We saw them on a walk round Magnetic Island, QLD, some kind walkers had left markers on the path pointing to where they were. There were a lot of overseas tourists who were very grateful when we told them where to look, seems that was the main point of their walk!


I did the borders as per the tutorial, nearly forgot to do the changes to the text!

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Also here is my Day 7. We saw a few of these statues made with recycled metal, spare parts etc and they were all really good. This one was part of a bigger War Memorial, but the photos of the other parts don't really do it justice so I didn't use them.


The papers, frame and cogs are from various Steampunk sets I have from the Digital Scrapbooking Place. I decided to put a bevel on the title to give it a bit of depth, I used one of the papers as the pattern for the text. I also had a few problems with the journalling: I did the selection and typed the text in with no problems, however I wanted to try and justify the text both sides, there are two buttons in the later versions that are supposed to allow you to do this but when I pressed them the text went all over the place. Looking up Help or online questions didn't really get me any further, then I tried using a vector rectangle and selecting this, then typing in and selecting "Justify" - it sort of worked but wasn't quite right so I ended up doing the journalling on a new image and then copying the layers across. Of course I had to duplicate the layers and convert to raster to stop the text disappearing on resizing.


Thank you Cassel for doing this Bootcamp, as others have said even if you have used PSP for many years and have done lots of tutorials and Master Classes, there is still something to learn. I don't do a lot of scrapbooking and being given ideas for page layouts has proved very useful.



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Carole, I have learned a lot with the 6 projects that I have finished so far.  Never have done scrapbooking on the computer, till now. This is my Granddaughter and Great Grandson at the pumpkin patch. Hard to believe that they are only a day apart in age. And his mommy is the Granddaughters Sister. Learned a lot about shadowing and how to make things look thicker and some thinner. Tomorrow I start on 7 hope it goes well as I do not have much to work with.


Have to thank you so much for the time that you spend with us all, in so many ways.



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I think that I did not post my number 5 so here is. Not as good as I would it to be but now I understand more I play with it. I don't like the text color now that it's finished. And it is to plain looking too. My layouts are all on 8x11 as I want to be able to print them out and give as a gift to my mom for mother's day. I'm all so wanting to spend time learning how to use the page turner in another Corel program I just got for X-Mass. I still have a lot to learn with Corel and this is just the start.



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This is my last homework project.  Cassel, I have thoroughly enjoyed this workshop and learning at least a half dozen more things while watching you.  I must go back and review my videos downloaded during the years I have been a Diamond member.  You have enriched my digital scrapbooking world by at least a hundred fold.  I LOVE your website and all the hard work you put in teaching everyone about Corel PaintShop Pro.   Again, thank you.
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I should add that I have also thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the various ways other participants used this information.  And I should probably amend my previous statement and say that I have learned (and relearned) so many different things that I can't even put a number on it.  Thanks again.  Now off to review some of those other great videos you have produced.....



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My final project. I tried out the selection shapes, 3d ribbon trip, text box, using guides to line up elements, and offsetting the frame from the picture. That was hard for me because I tend to be a frame-perfect-fit person with pictures. Fun project. I also added the letters on the 5 octagon swatches. I would probably change colors or add a smaller swatch of a lighter shade beneath each letter.
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AUS, I must return the compliment!. Miss Kitty is 21?!?! WOW. She is a beauty. Also love, love, love your frame and bow.


SUE THOMAS, really wish I could see more of your beautiful  photos of wildlife. Your photo of the snowy owl was awesome, that's a difficult photo to get, not only with the owl itself but the white background can pose problems. Seems scrapbooking is a great way to show off you photography skills. Loved all of your work.


SHANNON COOPER, Loved seeing your quilts. They were beautiful. As a quilter myself, I can sure appreciated your work.




ALICIA, Your pages of NOLA were great! Hits close to home as I have some of the same places depicted in my photos!


I have enjoyed this so much! You people are awesome! Gonna miss y'all. Maybe the next bootcamp?


CASSEL, Can't thank you enough for your time, patience and effort. You made learning a pleasure.

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Hi everyone! I finished with Boot Camp #7 today and am feeling a bit depressed now that the tutorials are over. I still need lots of practice but thanks to Carole's lovely lessons, I am feeling more confident. My layout is Meghan's Creations from Digiscrap Parade called Garden Party
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Here is my Day 7 Layout #5


This time I used the free kit "Playtime Princess Day" from Dreamn4ever Designs.


It was so much fun to participate in the Scrap Bootcamp... No matter how many challenges I participate there is always something new or something I have forgotten. Thanks, Carole!


Also, it was very inspiring to see everybody's creative layouts.

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Rhonda  yes Miss Kitty is 21   she will be 22 on 5th February.

We had 4 of her babies until they passed over the past few years.  They were 15  and 19 years when they passed.

We lost 2 of them within a week of each other  and  the last two within 2 wees of each other....... and mumma has outlived them all.   She is showing no signs of anything major wrong with her  so we might have her for a while yet.



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Well, here is my day 6 project. I added the drop shadow to the upper right element and it just didn't look right because there was so much there all it did was make it darker so I left it off. Is there something I could have done to it to make it look like a shadow and not just darker?
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@Angel, the reason it showed very dark is because the element was translucent, so you would see the whole shadow, everywhere. I can think of three possible options:

you could duplicate and merge the element layer to make it opaque (you might repeat twice). That way, the shadows will only show on the edge and the white elements will stay white

you could select the element (select outside of it with the Magic Wand and then invert the selection) and then add a faint shadow; it will show on the outer edge too

you could add a VERY faint shadow

Maybe one of them would suit you?

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I finished Day 7.  I started with Meagan's Creations but since my picture was of my daughters playing piano, I went in search of related graphics.  I ended up modifying some stuff I found and viola.


Thanks Carole for all the hard work you put in and the fun you created!



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I just finished day 7 page. It was so much fun and took me longer as I was learning at the same time, and spending a lot of time looking for graphics on the web.. This bootcamp has helped me so much with learning the new software and putting it all together..


So here is my granddaughter and her son having fun time with the phone.



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Project 3

This was rare...……...snow in Louisiana

used papers/elements from Cassel and Pixel Scrapper

Glitter was from lizhaglitter117


didn't have any embellishments that I liked so added a pink flamingo and flood filled with black

also the text which says you can do anything was in green so flood filled with black and then some red


decided to add borders, first black then two gray then another black

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