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This new forum is a bit different than the previous one, but it was changed because it should work better. However, it is not yet 100% set so if you have any suggestion for it, don't hesitate. And if you have suggestions for the rest of the Campus, post them too.
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  • 2 months later...
I don't visit the forum often so this may be why I am having problems.  I find this new one a little difficult to figure out. I can't seem to see the first message in a thread...I can only see the latest reply.  To see a reply without knowing what the question was is a little confusing.  Do I have a setting wrong?  I know with all else that you've had to deal with, this is a very minor thing and it is no big thing to me.   Anyway, mostly I'm just happy to see the new tutorials up and the website working well.  Thanks!  Dianne
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I am not really sure what you see (or don't see) as far as posts and threads. Obviously, me being admin, it is possible that I see things differently than "regular" members". I don't think you have any setting to change though, but I can double check on that. I'll see on my end if it might be a setting that *I* forgot!

The reason I changed the forum is so that there is some special sections with limited access. That allows those who pay for some classes to have exclusive access to the information shared. Before that, I had to do everything manually as far as granting access or revoking access when someone left the classes. This obviously led to some errors or I would simply be behind in granting/revoking access.

Maybe if we had a little bit more activity in this forum, members would visit a little bit more too?

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Oddly, this time I can see my original question and your response.  Figures.  I think there is a rule regarding that kind of thing...a universal joke of some kind that as soon as I complain about something, it instantly disappears as a problem. I wish that worked on my car!


I have to admit that I am not very good at forum participation.  I do check once in awhile but I think so many people depend on Facebook, Twitter, etc. for communication that they don't use forums.  That's just a guess because I don't use Facebook, Twitter, etc. myself so I am not sure what other people prefer.  Frankly, I don't know how people keep up with all these social media things and have time to do anything else.  I can't even keep up on the tutorials.  :-(


Anyway, thank you for the response.  Dianne

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  • 2 weeks later...
I know Facebook is very popular recently, but I find it is not a place to ask for explanation, tutorial, etc. simply because one cannot search for it a week later or more. That is where forums will still have their use. I think people tend to like and demand instantaneous answers and that might be what they get in FB, but it is short term.  Hopefully, this forum will at least be useful for those who want to use it.
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  • 2 years later...
  • 5 months later...

Nobody in the Campus is a dummy: we have beginners!


And this forum is exactly the place to ask questions.


So, following the download of the Quick Pages, did you get the link to the tutorial, step by step? If not, check HERE


So, let's review:


1- do you have Paintshop Pro installed?


2- did you download and UNZIP the quick pages?


3- did you choose the photos you want to use?


4- did you watch the video tutorial?


Take your time and take those steps one at the time. And come back with questions if you need to.

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