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Carol Anne Wall

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I have X6 installed.  Last night I was working on a scrapbook page, and forgot to save the end product.  (I was under attack by a bunch of hungry mosquitoes.) I Lost all my work.  I thought there was an autosave function, but I found out tonight I did not have that option turned on.  I have a number of .tmp files from what I thought were the autosaves that took place while I was working on the page.


I am just out of luck?  Is there something I can be doing automatically to save my work?  Thanks for any advice!




Carol Anne

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Hi Carol Anne,


I wish i had a way for you to retrieve those images. In the older versions of PSP, the auto-save was simple, but now they have an auto-preserve that will save your work everytime you change image that you work on.


I don't know how your PSP is set up, but do you have a folder where your images were that is called auto-preserve? If so, you might be able to retrieve them there.


Other than that, here is the help documentation you can refer to:




Hope it helps.



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