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6 minutes ago, Cassel said:

Is there a particular category? I checked a few and they all play for me.

Did you try a different browser?

They were in different categories. I was hoping you wouldn't say the "browser" word!

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6 minutes ago, Cassel said:

What browser are you using? I know that Firefox is causing issues with some codec thingie that I have no control over.

Yes, it's Firefox which I've always used since I've been doing PSP. I don't want to use Edge so I will have to find something else I guess. I just tried Edge and the videos are no problem. darn it!

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I use Chrome. Firefox is a hit-or-miss for me. For example, I checked the last Master class and it plays fine in Firefox. If it does not for you, you can see how it can be problematic for me to find a cause 😞

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