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Layer Icons Not Showing

Sharon Murray

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I have X9, version  I would love it if my icons would show on the layers palette toolbar, rather than the text as shown:




I can't get them to show any other way in both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions.  I have uninstalled and resinstalled with no affect.  Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere?


Thanks for any help!

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This is a really strange occurrence. I have never seen that. Reinstalling is not a fun process and if it is not working, it is even worse!


Have you tried resetting PSP to default? Usually, one would do that before reinstalling, but maybe it would work? Worth a try.


Restart PSP and while it restarts, hold the Shift key. Then you will be presented with a question of whether you want to reset. You answer yes and it will reset it.



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