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Any LO with shaped text will not save in 2022. What about 2023?


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Cassel, we talked about this before, but I can't find the thread.

You wanted me to document the inability of PSP 2022 to save text which has been typed into a shape. Since I can't find the original, I don't remember how we left it, except I was to send you an example or another example...I simply do not remember!

Here is an example.  Luckily it wasn't terribly intricate and didn't take a long time as it did the first time it happened.


Is there any fix for this? I have three more to do!  I know one of the fixes was to save with .psd, but my version of PSP will just rasterize the text so it's uneditable. And in this case it merged the text with the vector shape I used (which I had planned to hide as soon as I was finished editing).

Will not save with shaped text.jpg

Edited by Suzy
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I don't know how to do compatibility preferences. My screen looks different from yours on "save as --> options"

Yes and no on opening in vector. The vector is there, but the layers are merged. and the text is uneditable.

Adjusting compatibility.jpg

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Just now, Suzy said:

I don't see a difference - here is a .jpg with only the background layer. Save as is the exact same (butI didn't click the drop down s you could see beneath it. )

Click the dropdown list of file types. The compatibility mode that you are looking for is only when you save as .pspimage format. If you save as .jpg, you have other settings (like the ones you show).


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Ooooh! I see. I misread what you said about the .jpg. Ok. I will look into this after the Q&A.

Personally, if I were running the PSP show, I would have file compatibility listed under Preferences. And it would be for all instances of save and save as, unless manually overridden by using “save copy as” and then “options”.

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9 minutes ago, Suzy said:

Ooooh! I see. I misread what you said about the .jpg. Ok. I will look into this after the Q&A.

Personally, if I were running the PSP show, I would have file compatibility listed under Preferences. And it would be for all instances of save and save as, unless manually overridden by using “save copy as” and then “options”.

I had this problem with 2022 when I first got it.  It was set to save my .pspimage files as x8.  x8 doesnt have the ability to save the text in a selection.  Change it where Carole said to change it to X8-2021 and you will have no more problems.  Some scripts will sometimes turn it back to x8.  So if you get  that message, first thing to do is check the compatibility.  I learned the hard way and had only a flattened layout because I eventually saved in jpg before I knew to save as psd format.  I routinely check before saving now, especially if I've used scripts.  the one I know that does it is the Open (a photo) and make it a copy.  I forget the name.  

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Yay!  All set. I totally forgot the problem was saving to .psp, even though I had posted the query just an hour before.

2 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

So if you get  that message, first thing to do is check the compatibility.  I learned the hard way and had only a flattened layout because I eventually saved in jpg before I knew to save as psd format. 

The bad news is I had used that open as a copy just for this LO (after not using it for 3-6 months) so bad there. Meaning I have to remember this when I get the error message next time, probably next February.  At least it's in a good heading (PSP) instead of the Q&A thread which I would never have thought of and it might have scrolled way down, too.

Fingers crossed, thanks for posting this caveat, Susan!


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