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Review of PSP 7?


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I hope you might review the new version of PSP.  I'm not sure I want to buy the upgrade.  Do you think anyone would be interested in you having a class that demonstrated some of the new or upgraded features?  I don't really want to download yet another version of PSP but I would like to know more about it.  Just an idea.
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Hi Dianne,

You must have read my mind! There are some changes that will require a tutorial, namely the new Material Properties window. I wonder if it would be worth a master class. I think people would love to attend, but i doubt they would buy the class afterward! Or maybe just a long blog post with short videos...


Definitely something to consider.


Thanks for the suggestion.



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Yes, that's true. Probably people wouldn't buy the MasterClass.  I didn't think of that.  A long blog post, or several posts, with short videos would probably be a better idea. I'm on the fence about the upgrade.  Money has been a bit tight lately and I'm not feeling very creative these days.  I look forward to any information you end up sharing on the new version--I trust your expertise on PSP.
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