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Is there a way to save F11 brush settings to use again in another project?


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Hi, all,


I’m trying to save some brush settings from the F11 palette, and I don’t see how to do it!


i can’t imagine a program that has workspace-saving capability wouldn’t have brush presets capability, can you? but no little save blocks or arrows show up in a logical place, so I’m not sure.

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Of course, there is and you mentioned it yourself: a preset. When you have your Brush, and have all the settings the way you want, you just save everything as a preset and it will be available next time you want to do the same thing on a different project. What it does not have is a way to save ONLY what is inside the Brush Variance palette. That makes sense because the same window will appear if you are using the Brush tool, the Eraser tool, even the Clone tool, but some settings will not be pertinent. For example, the Color Blend is greyed out when you use the Eraser tool the Saturation is greyed out if you are using the Lighten/Darken tool, etc.
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Oh, thanks. I’m not sure it’s what I want to do because it’s just the square brush that comes with PSP. (I’m making the paper from this Lab https://scrapbookcampus.com/element-creation-index/square-paper/


i don’t want that jitter setting to be with the regular square brush and have it jumping around every time I use it, LOL! Will having the preset do that? No, it won’t, but I want to make sure. It will be my first preset and first time I’ve successfully used F11 and its settings!

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