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Does anyone know-Psp New Versions

Margaret Newcomb

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I think in the past the new versions are usually released in August. On a PSP Users forum associated with Corel, they always post new threads for "what do you like about new version" and "wish list for what you would like to see in the next version". Those have always been posted in August or late July.


Personally, I usually wait until the next version has been out for several months before I buy it (if I do). With Corel having constant sales on PSP 2022, I'm guessing the next version will be coming by the end of the summer.

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The new version typically comes out in August, as Rene said.  You can either wait in August for the newest version OR wait for a deep discount on the current version, in the next few weeks (before the new version comes out).
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Carole, any idea of what might be coming in the next version? I was reading the "wish list" on the forum earlier and it seemed like most of it was things I'd never use. Nothing in 2022 intrigued me to buy it since I'm a pretty basic user of the program. I only bought 2021 because I was having issues with X8 on my old computer. LOL
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Thank you Carole. It seemed like a lot of different users were complaining about the most recent one for one reason or another so I kept waiting until it had been purchased/reviewed enough etc. , because I was’nt having issues with my version. You’ve heard the expression ‘if it aint broke, don’t fix it’, I kind of went by that. It’s really good info to know about an approximate  timeframe of newer ones on the way, thanks. I hope your beta testing is going well.
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Totally understandable. And even if nothing was buggy, some new features might be welcome by some users, or be totally unnecessary to others. It all depends on what tools you use, what your workflow is, and such. That is why I try to showcase the main new features in the yearly blog posts, "What's new in ...?"
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My old hobbyhorse re the old version of PSP  X-4 is the feature in "Enhance Photo" which allows you to see all layers together in the main window, and then be able to balance contrast and colour (via "Smart Photo fix" and "Color Balnce") of each layer, and judge their combined relative effect, so that they become a coherent total picture (I am not sure if I express myself clearly here, but I don't know how to do better...). PSP X-3 and X-4 had that feature, and then it disapeared, so if a new version of PSP has it once more, I can finally switch to W10 or W11. Any news here?
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