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Bonnie Ballentine

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Everything posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. This was created for the storytime workshop. It is still my favorite cake.
  2. Kasany, she is her own unique personality. She is very loving and spends hours with Judy, my friend with dementia. I think on some level she understands.
  3. Thank you, Christina! I love the deer and watch them every chance I get. I love walking up on them in the woods. They sometimes run away and sometimes become very cautious and alert but allow me to photograph them. I find great pleasure in revisiting my photos. Memories like these are priceless.
  4. Thank you, Julie! I wish you had your lens also!
  5. Chantahlia Designs, template 334. Plumbago is a tropical flower and my favorite. Remember, each time I see a "new" flower, it is my favorite. These photos were taken in Ft. Myers, FL in 2006.
  6. Template from Lab 14-04. Texas Roadhouse would not seat us until our full party had arrived. The waiting room was frigid so we waited across from the register. Didn't take us long to look for michief. The birthday saddle provided distraction while we waited.
  7. Photos from 2011. Template 121 by Lady 22.
  8. I went all the way back to 2016 for these photos. Template 198, Lady 22. Font = Meows. Metal paw print by Sheila Reed; brown cat by Marisa Lerin, pet 001.
  9. Template 295 by Chantahliadesign. Recent walks in the woods have yielded encounters with deer. I'm never too close to them. I use a 200mm lens. Word art from Creative Fabricia.
  10. Nothing fancy here. Cutout photo, textured paper, suggested font. The graphic at the top was taken from a Creative Fabrica graphic. Love "my" deer.
  11. Y = Yellow algae Not a very pleasant thought. Occurs when there are not enough sanitizers in the water.
  12. Hi, Brooktim! Welcome!
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