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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. 34 minutes ago, Julie Magerka said:

    That font really works here. I looked it up and places are charging for it. If you got it free from CF, that was a good score.

    CF still has it. I have a membership so I don't know if they charge or how much.

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  2. 5 hours ago, kasany said:

    super Penny. He/she must be a very funny kitty IMHO:)

    Kasany, she is her own unique personality. She is very loving and spends hours with Judy, my friend with dementia. I think on some level she understands.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Cristina said:

    Bonnie, great layout displaying those beautiful animals... It must be a sight to see them "so close"... Look at those eyes!

    Thank you, Christina!  I love the deer and watch them every chance I get. I love walking up on them in the woods. They sometimes run away and sometimes become very cautious and alert but allow me to photograph them. I find great pleasure in revisiting my photos. Memories like these are priceless.

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  4. large.202429InTheSaddleTemplate-Lab14-04600.jpg.2c76db6fde0542757ca4498287b06659.jpg

    Template from Lab 14-04. Texas Roadhouse would not seat us until our full party had arrived. The waiting room was frigid so we waited across from the register. Didn't take us long to look for michief. The birthday saddle provided distraction while we waited.

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