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libera last won the day on August 1 2023

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  1. Yes, I will be Michele, you're right ?
  2. I don't know what happened, guess it was too late for me .... grrrr but I just discovered I "killed" my final version of purple rain ?. So I add the first try.... where I began to paint the face....
  3. D = Dripdrip foldable filter for coffeemachines, made out of stainless steel mesh. I just wondererd where my A is, I placed it tuesday and it has disappeared ....
  4. ... ups Marie-Claire, you had the same song in mind and you were quicker than me. I did something too. When Julie dedicated her picture to Jimi Hendrix and Purple Haze I immediately thought of Prince and Purple Rain. Would that be OK for you if I placed my picture too?
  5. N = Nannini, italian almond biscuits
  6. ....and in french = beurk (and again nothing better than "freshly-ground coffee") ?
  7. H = Hardy Espresso, even if it doesn't sound so, another italian, milan, coffee company founded 1954 by the Maja Brothers.
  8. I know, I know, this "game" is almost over but I won't give it up completely. A little bit frustrated because I ddin't manage to stay on it. At least Day 1, 2 and 3. Just a small correction, I added the wrong postmark a few minutes ago.
  9. V = VALENTINO CAFFÈ was founded already in 1953, is one of the leading coffee roasters in Southern Italy, especially in the Puglia region
  10. S = Segafredo, italian brand
  11. M = Maragogype, another arabica variety I discovered it when I was a student and from to time I loved to go to the real and only coffee roastery in town to buy this luxury ?
  12. Just signed in to say Hi. I saw the new workshop a few hours ago. Hope again, I will be able to participate and pull through the WS, because next week "Scripting Study Group" is beginning....May be I' m too optimistic and daring right now ?. Actually I try to do at least one little exercise every evening after work to get more practice again. By the way, Ann, you look smart with your hat ?!
  13. I don't know what happened I replied a few minutes ago but my answer "disappeared" after having clicked on "submit reply"?! So another try. I found a few good online courses and bought a book written by a german photographer especially for this Lumix model. But you have to look at the videos and read the book without longer time gaps at the beginning of learning, like PSP practice. it doesn't make things any easier and you threaten to lose interest in between... i surfed for John Greenco, (very interesting sites and youtube videos) and looked for my saved ON1 links, here are a few examples, but surely you already know them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgXWS8xJY4A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzZVzzgTxys&list=PLE67992FC392ED625 https://www.youtube.com/@JohnGreengoPhotography https://www.johngreengo.com/ https://www.on1.com/blog/ https://www.on1.com/videos/ https://on1help.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360001834891-Workflow
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