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Jannette Nieuwboer

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Everything posted by Jannette Nieuwboer

  1. Nice such old photos Anja. To give the fashion an extra look I guess it was in the fifties. The big ribbon in your hair, the wood/string closure of your jacket, and the woolen pinalore (pinafore), probably home knitted. I had to translate the last one into English? I wore that too.
  2. I think this is my last edited foto of this course. Friends of mine are in Italy on a summer holiday. Sent me such beautiful pictures so I asked them to use them in this course. As an answer, they sent me their whole batch. I've used just one photo and copied it 4 times and snip snip.? So just a street in ITALY.
  3. Nothing to mention this time. it's vintage images.
  4. Susan, the lines are on the background of the pics?
  5. Nu was ik in 15 minuten klaar inclusief het zoeken naar een passende foto. Net als Corrie Kinkel heb ik 1 foto gebruikt. Maar de foto was te smal, dus dupliceerde ik het en draaide hem om, lijnde het uit. En VOILA. niemand ziet het. Ik heb een screenshot gemaakt van mijn mobiel omdat ik de foto leuk vind.
  6. My first attempt failed this afternoon, So I deleted it. No suitable photos. The photos faded away after scaling. This afternoon after a long break I got a new idea, insects enough in my stock. But again they needed a background. I made all the same for the balance in coloring. The three open spaces got a double shade of me after being selected to give them depth. I do have time enough and can work as long as it needs till I'm satisfied, so no problem. The name of the text font is Marly Tail. The flower edge is a 'true type' too named Azalea Ornaments. No shades behind as they are background images.
  7. Deze keer lag de vertraging niet aan mij. De foto werd binnen de benodigde tijd in de sjabloon geplaatst, maar mijn teksttool kwam niet opdagen. En toen het er was kon ik nog steeds niet van kleur en maat veranderen enz. Dat vorige week vaker. Na een paar keer openen en sluiten is het me gelukt. De naam van het lettertype is Lucida handschrift.
  8. I've made some progress and reached it in 40 minutes. The delay was in the sizing, it was in % instead of px. So it takes such a long time before I found what it was other wise I had been finished in 5 minutes. But the pics were png images so they needed a background. Underneath the wedding rings is a homemade TEXTURE. I'm very proud I have made 5 textures now. So altogether it takes a bit less than 1 hour.
  9. I was not intending to make this one but I was practicing making TEXTURES. So I was looking into my stuff for a suitable application, and I bumped into this one. Someone had placed it here and I downloaded it. It was very terrible working. When I selected one section all were selected. Advanced this came out of all my creative possibilities. YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIKE IT ? As I don't have a FB account I can't download from that source.
  10. NO Susy. Go to sources, then choose outside sources, then you see this. there you can find scripts. What do you like the most? Or all. Both possible.
  11. Thank you, Susan we can learn from each other. ?
  12. I couldn't find suitable photos for this commission. so I had a look at my stock scrap kits. I have first resized the original as I'm used to working on smaller boards. I played with some scripts (got the most from here) number 1 is the original, and number 2 is photo edges, number 3 is the dot method.
  13. NUMBER 4 is just one this time. when I v time I will send the other one too. I've added some extra attributes, the lovely heart shapes are from Idavi-love blossom, a kit I've so many years. The font is StrawberrySwirlDelight.
  14. This lesson was absolutely not done in just 5 minutes. Looking for three photos and making them fit was a lot of scaling and cutting necessary. ? The first photo is from my granddaughter Nika, the happiest child in the world as long as her mom is around. Iv made a shadow of her name and used the shade on the top, as there is a lot of space extra. The second photo was just a photo of a sand beach and sea. So dull in my opinion. So I placed a little boat in the sea and some beach attributes in the sand. The chair is empty as the person is gone to the party.
  15. Number two came in at 2 pm so early in comparison. Most of you are still sleeping. The most work again was to fit a photo into the frame.
  16. I'm in too. As I do not shoot many horizontal photos I must make a choice from what's in my stock. I only have a cellphone to take photos. But here is my first result. Quickpage 1 is made in the psp2023 I changed the background, the original had a uni color blue as the sky, not so interesting. Quickpage 2 is made in the 2020 edition of PSP. I made an edge with a bevel of 15,8,8. font s name is Butterfly with shadows 1,1,60,1.
  17. My contribution to the May Challenge. Although not a real challenge to me. I'm used to working with templates. I have Lily of the Valley in my garden but these photos are from the internet. And it is a real may flower here. I guess the are called in France Muguets. Muguet is a woman's name as well I 'v learned just today. I've called them the original name, Convallaria Majalis. There can be made medicine as well. but I do not know what physical ailments it's good for. I had to resize the photos a bit. The name of the font is 'Always Amora'. I love the font in projects like this.
  18. Here is my contribution to the May template.
  19. Thank, Carole, Ann, Julie, Christina and Libera.
  20. Hai, Jannette here. I knock on this door to inform you about my absence. Sinds begin in January I had pc trouble. It seemed my Windows password was out of date, indeed it was one from the start of Windows. Another era, another requirement in those days. I have changed a lot of passwords from Microsoft etc. but the windows must have slipped my mind. It was horrible, I couldn't place anything. I saw some of what you made but not even a mark from my side was possible. And even mail from Cassel came in but I couldn't respond to the clicks. Since I fixed that passwords slowly get back to normal Internet traffic. Not everything was down, and my Campus password was recently renewed. So I did not understand at all. I hope now I have them all renewed. I also got warnings that this site possibly is not a safe one. I had to give permission to enter with an extra warning. I discovered too late that there is here a place to introduce myself. so I do now. I'm Jannette Nieuwboer. The last name is translated: Newfarmer. Nieuw is nearby pronounced as the English 'new', and Boer: the b and r are the same as the English but the OE: is pronounced as the "U" in the word 'TOO', I do not hope this puzzle is too difficult. I'm in my 74th year. I live alone, my husband is suffering from Louis's Body Dimension and lives in a care home. I visit him every day so do not have as much time for PSP as I want. In the past iv done a lot of PSP. I work in the 2020 edition as I'm fond of plugins. For now, I will keep this edition. I have a metabolic disorder myself. I get some meds for it but also have to keep a diet. And have to cook everything myself, even baking bread. I eat 85 - 90 % vegan. (I eat eggs, yogurts, and butter. To get my daily portion of protein I eat a lot of lentils and chickpeas too. I v learned to cook them tasty for example chickpeas muffins. lentil pancakes, and lentil pizzas, and from both burgers. See you on campus.
  21. M = Mjammy. A new year to have a fresh start.
  22. My congratulations to the prize winners of the great puzzle tour. Have fun with your prizes.
  23. What I appreciated most of all was the support from everyone else. The don't give up flew around your ears. Maybe you don't write it like that.? I was 'lightly' stressed cause I didn't know how my weekend would be. So I did everything on Friday. It has taken a lot of my pleasure away. but in the end, I was full of joy when I had them all. It felt like a real victory. And now the hunt for the tutorials has begun. I've found so much interesting. Cause of that no time at the moment on the calendar. For the future? Yes, you can do it one more time. We know now the 'know-how'. But other tutorials of course.
  24. Tanks Rene for your kind words. ?
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