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Pirkko Seppälä

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  1. Is it possible to align a vertically running letter string to a path?
  2. here is my work for Day 4 Sulo warms the sleeping place for his mistress ? What if I wanted to write in the path from top to bottom?
  3. My work for Day 3
  4. They are the pets of my friend. Simo - the dog - is from Spain (a street dog)
  5. aaaaah... spring and all new grows
  6. I'll come along too
  7. I worked with the Kit of Cintia Dhariana in Feb 2023 Blogtrain #14 digitalscrapbook.com the cats belong to my friend
  8. I practiced overlays and textures by MasterClass Overlays and Textures
  9. I liked to cut the edge ?
  10. I tried to learn to get lifted corner... well.. photo mine - stuff from digitalscrapbook.com
  11. I have shared craft supplies, fabrics and yarns with my friends. I can't/don't want to sew or knit anymore. Nowadays, my hobby is this computer and maintaining connections digitally. And now that I live near a lake, I try to take beautiful and interesting pictures with my cell phone and share them
  12. Here is another - very interesting stone - I don't know who the painter was.. photo taken last summer, too
  13. This photo taken last summer finnish text translated: morning moment precious in gold
  14. morning moment precious in gold photo taken last summer
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