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Jenifer Lyn

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Everything posted by Jenifer Lyn

  1. Je moet heel mooi zijn geweest om zijn aandacht te trekken! Ik wed dat hij op sommige momenten ook nog steeds aan je denkt!
  2. @Cassel HaHaHa.. The flops! We have all certainly made them. Repeats are great.. An excellent way to see how much we have learned.
  3. @Cassel This is such a brilliant challenge! How you come up with the very best indeed! ❥ I have giggled reading all the posts! I have a lot of catching up to do!
  4. @Jannette Nieuwboer Wat een mooi verhaal! Zo'n mooie lay-out om het ook te delen! @Corrie Kinkel What a lovely layout! The color choices work so perfectly together! @Anja Pelzer That is such a wonderful layout of you! Was it a very long trip? @Sue Thomas That is beautiful! I am the same. I tend to only drink it when a nice little gathering calls for it. Tea is my choice too! @Sharla Such a super layout! I must try that coffee, it sounds lovely!
  5. Hallo Jannette! Bedankt voor je antwoord! Ja, ik ga meedoen aan de Blog Trains en mijn eigen winkel openen. Ik zal het ook delen in mijn persoonlijke blog. Ik kan niet wachten om te delen, dat is waar ik echt het meest van hou! Hello & Thank You Bonnie! Sports indeed! Pickle ball anyone!? * Giggles
  6. Hello Fellow Scrappers! I am most sorry for my abrupt disappearance. I have missed all the sweet comments and smiles! I had to leave home to comfort a friend, and leave it to me, I left my phone at home. I was beside myself without it. It has been the most trying of summers that I have ever had. How I look forward to autumn and hopefully with it, peace. I hope everyone is doing well? It looks like I have missed a lot! How fun this all looks! See ya in the forum! ❥
  7. Hello, sweet Doro! Welcome to the Campus! I am so glad that you decided to join too! Everyone is so very kind and Carole has such great tutorials! You will love it here indeed! ❥
  8. Thank you SO much, Susan! That is so very sweet of you! ❥ I was just telling Sue that I was grateful with the things she is sharing. Yea! You are getting blooms! I am happy for you! Did you plant "annual's" - Surviving one season or did you get the "Perennials" - Returning every year?!
  9. @Anne Lamp That is such a sweet layout! You used the pieces wonderfully. Congratulations on 54 years! What precious love. Look at those crab! WoW! @Sue Thomas That is such a beautiful layout! I am in love with the way you did the font, so cute! I have been learning so much from you, thank you!
  10. That sounds so much fun! What a super idea!
  11. @Anita Wyatt I am loving your "Mr.Hat" stories and layouts! What a truly cute idea!
  12. HaHaHa! I do too! I have used quick pages more for ideas. I have saved many of my favorites to go back to when I feel stuck on a page. I LOVE watercolor. I have even dared making my own recently. I started that back when Covid shut the world down but I have been slacking the last few months. I wouldn't say that I am good at it, maybe creative is a better word? HaHaHa
  13. I am SO terribly sorry that I had gone "Missing In Action", real life came in and interrupted my play time yet again! Late summer is quite a busy time on the farm, whether I like it or not! HaHaHa I have a lot of catching up to do indeed! So many new & wonderful creations! This community is certainly a great source of inspiration to me. ❥
  14. Hello Anja! Thank you! I love the real and self-made as well. I bought a new lightbox and have already begun taking pictures. I can't wait to use what I have shot so far!
  15. @Susan Ewart I too love clocks and bird cages! Thank you for your best wishes! I can't wait! @Michele I will make layered templates indeed! I I want to try quick pages as well as clusters, for those times that we run out of time, or lack our artistic creativity! Thank you as well, for your best wishes! @Ann Seeber Thank you so much! I too chase the alphabets! They were the first thing I went in search of when I started my collections. I will try to include them in most of what I do, as I have some really great fonts to work with! Again, thank you so much, gals! Your input is very much appreciated! ❥
  16. •✿• How I loved reading this! My property ( even the crops ) have MANY praying mantises & stick bugs (Phasmids). The Mantis is crucial to the crops as they kill the grasshoppers that can destroy everything it lands on. If you want to attract the mantis, plant dill! I believe that is why I have as many as I do. Some cultures see them as a sign of good luck & fortune. We can all use that! Many Native Americans believe that they came before the creation of man as well. Very beautiful in my opinion. But the stick bugs.. EWWww! For some reason they bother me unlike the mantis. They walk quite creepy, jerking their bodies as they move. I freak out when one lands on me! HaHaHa The ladybugs! @Julie Magerka Your layout is lovely! I love ladybugs! Crucial to the crops indeed. I don't use harmful poisons that in turn contaminate the soil, thanks to them. I have to keep an eye on some certain plants in my veggie garden though, as some plants are their favorites to eat (Like my beans, spinach and carrot tops). I find them in the house quite often too, but thankfully, I have never been taken over by them. I enjoyed this conversation! Thank you! = )
  17. @Michele Lovely layouts! The Fabulous Diva's is just too cute! @Mary Solaas That is such a sweet layout! Your elements are beautiful! A piece that will be cherished for years to come!
  18. Thank you so much, Susan! ❥ I have been sharing the art I have created for so long. I finally listened to a few dear ones & decided to take the leap! Those are some of my favorites as well! Vintage, a must indeed! Thank you for sharing with me!
  19. @Marie-Claire I love how you colored the two places in your 1st layout as well as your second! @Bonnie Ballentine The way you highlighted the areas you visited in color & with pointers, genius! @Suzy I love the texture and your colors choices! I am sorry it was a terrible trip, those are the absolute worst. Thank you too for your compliment to my Layout, so very kind of you. One-Way indeed .. Well, for at least a few months. HaHaHa .. Getting away from the farm and its demands sounds divine! @Anita Wyatt I can't wait to hear more about the red hat! @fiona cook I love how you used the gradient to highlight! @Ann Seeber Your layout is fabulous! I hope they enjoyed their trip, and found beautiful weather? Thanks again for your brilliant suggestion! @Anja Pelzer Highlighting the two places looks great on your layout! @Michele I love those textures! My Mothers family was from Ireland, that is another place I would love to go as well! @Cassel Thank you so much! You should have seen my face when I came back to post my layout and suddenly remembered the posting specs! HaHaHa Ann's tip was the gamechanger, as I didn't think I could even post it! @Corrie Kinkel Love your layout! Perfectly placed elements and the use of several papers! @Donna Sillia Such a beautiful layout! Your use of elements & papers are fantastic too! @Gerry Landreth I love your layouts! Quite intriguing! I hope I didn't miss anyone! Day 1 was quite the success!
  20. A VERY big thank you to Ann, I am now able to at least share a bit of what I created! ❥ Day 1 I haven't been outside of the farm in ages. So I chose a vacation that I have dreamed of since I was a little girl, Fashion Week in Paris! I spent countless hours with my Auntie, watching all the fashion shows & cutting favorites from magazines, to save in a box for future inspiration. We would frequent our most treasured fabric store to touch and feel the newest trends, all the while dreaming it was me that was to model in those lovely dresses and my Auntie and I that would sew them. I was no more the model than a couture seamstress, so instead, I clung to my roots and farmed instead! HaHaHa I am so used to making my projects at 3600X3600 and though resizing, not having to watch the actual file size. I went just a little too far on this first day, that I had to lower the quality by quite a bit. I added the original to my Photobucket HERE , if you would like to see the original size & quality. (I will place all my regular sized files in this folder from the Campus, so please feel free to take peeks as you wish). * I have been using challenges and now these workshops as well, for compiling some of my better pieces, to show in my new shop. This allows me to get 2 tasks done at the same time, and in it, saving much time. Fonts used are: AdornS Condensed Sans & P22 Typewriter
  21. OOOoo! What a wonderful idea! I will go try that & see if I can at least post a little something here. Thank you so much Ann! ❥
  22. I am with @Mary Solaas on that one. I too would greatly appreciate others pointing out any spelling errors I make.
  23. @Mary Solaas •✿• The abstract paper compliments the colors beautifully. Love it! @Sue Thomas •✿• Lucky you! I bet they are all fantastic! Your squirrel binder is SO cute! @Dorothy Donn •✿• What a super way to display "Mustache". Love your choice of the pictures too, easy on the eyes! Your rainbow design is super. Love how you put the small dot before each color. Sharing the info on each color, was a joy to read too! Your "The Greats" layout is so precious. What a treasure indeed. @Lynda DiGregor •✿• How sweet! A lovely way to display the many photo's!
  24. OOoo Nice. Canada! I have always wanted to go there. I am a southern gal, Texas is where I call home. What a lovely DIY, Susan! I love the colors and those webbed flowers are to die for! So truly unique. I have always loved looking at spider webs, certainly a work of art. The quote you put on it is as precious too. Sunflowers (they get out of control here if you let them.. They seed so quickly). Symbolizes: Adoration, Loyalty and Longevity (such a lovely flower indeed). The little secrets that I can share: ▫ Potassium & Phosphorus encourage huge blooms and it takes very little, as sunflowers don't naturally need fertilizer (though love rich soil). (Some argue that they need something like Miracle-Gro or other all purpose plant food for big blooms, I have never used them on mine). ▫ Try to place them in places with full sun. (some say 6-8 hours per day, but my best blooms are in full Texas sun) ▫ Sunflowers need a lot of water to germinate, but require very little during the growing season. (I think this is one of the best secrets). ▫ Deadhead the flowers just a bit under the flower, usually to the nearest stem. Not cutting too much stem as they will reproduce mere inches away. ( Once you start getting the blooms, this will encourage a lot of blooms during the season) Do your plants show any bulbs at all? Perhaps they have not started yet? If you planted them via seeds, they could take up to 4 months to begin budding. Good luck! I hope they will thrive for you soon! ?
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