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  1. Day 7 Fonts used : Kelly Ann Gothic----Adobe Fangsong Background created with the polkadot------3 different size layers Elements are from PNGTree Picture taken by me ...the Snake was on the rocks surrounding my flowerbeds ,luckily it stuck around long enough for me to take some pictures
  2. Here is another one ! Font used :Kelly Ann Gothic Paper created with Pattern Tile Elements from a long time ago Picture is mine
  3. Day6 Font used :Cardinal Paper created from Picture Quote from the internet Picture is mine Elements are from years ago ,most of them are probably from PNG Tree
  4. Day 5 Made another one Font used :Unquiet Spirits Paper created with PatternTile Picture is mine
  5. Day 5 Fonts used : ActionIS-----CK Man's Print Elements from a long time ago ..something i had Paper created from the colors in picture with the Kaleidoscope Effect Picture taken by me
  6. Font used : Bambino Paper and Elements ......."Carena_Sweet Love of Spring "
  7. I'm catching up !! Day 3 Mask from "Digital Scrapbook Font : Bambino My Daughter ------Benjamin (BMD)----and my Daughters Dog ----Maja Picture taken 12 Years ago
  8. Day 2 My Dogs "Charlie" (BMO) & "Scooby" (LAB) Font used "MAMA"
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