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Royanne Hewko

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Posts posted by Royanne Hewko

  1. Rosie the colors in your page are very catchy


    Anja love the footprints


    <span style="color: #000000; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; background-color: #fbfbfb;">DeLoris great use of the bricks and tag</span>




    Here is my day 4.   I did a tag similar to the color of the frames.  I took the golf clubs and ball, from a purchased kit, and put on the tag.  I originally filled it with black but it did not look good.   So moved the color layer below the cutout layer the I changed the opacity on this layer to 57.   Liked it much better.  I went on the internet and got the logo for Riptide Lagoon.  Placed drop shadows per Cassel's guidelines.

  2. Yes, that would be a DELIGHT.   But it has been so wonderful to share the adventures through this forum.   I have really enjoyed it.  I have been a bit tardy, to say the least, but thoroughly enjoyed sharing the travels with everyone.   Hats off to Cassel for inspiring us.  I have learned so much through the travels.

  3. Day 6 - Ken went golfing and met up with 2 chaps from England the golfed at the Montgomerie a PGA golf course.  He said some of the homes were fantastic.   He went to a couple other golf courses where they gave him a piece of grass to put off.  I put a small frame around the pictures with a small bevel.  Added the drop shadow, per Cassel for frames.   Added my date stamp.   The post card I followed Cassel's instructions.  I searched the internet for a Dubai stamp.   At the bottom of the page I put the scene from the Montgomerie web site.   I added a golf tee as the fastener and a perspective drop shadow.  I sued "manly" colours and few elements.
  4. OK, I am on a roll now.   Day 5 with the postage stamp.   My picture was not large enough for the whole page so I put a second picture of my husband.  We were on the beach just in different spots.   I added my date stamp as my element.  I put my picture in the postage stamp frame, directions per Cassel.  I put Ken's picture in a mask to blend it in.  Tried to match the paper with the different colors.  I used a base paper and then I put a color layer on top to pull out the blues.
  5. Well I am still at it .... never give up.... Day 4 tag.  I followed the instructions from Cassel and put a camel on it.  I like the way it turned out.  We went to a Restaurant in the desert.  It was unbelievable ... the food was either by menu or several huge buffets with ethnic food.  The entertainment was amazing, there were belly dancers, didn't get a picture so I added an element I had of a belly dancer.  The lively dance was spectacular all of the colours and hoops.  There was a camel and horse caravan show.  I matched the colours to the belly dancer, I had a solid dark blue background then I used a grunge type paintbrush with the lighter blue.   I found a city skyline of Arabic type buildings on the internet.  Then I used the same brush but smaller and highlighted around the skyline with the lighter blue.  I used the layers style, as per Cassel master class instructions, outer glow of white.  Hopefully, i succeeded in sharing the magical feeling I felt there.
  6. Day 3 - I used cass-Datestamp2 for the date stamp.   The picture is not the best quality, but I wanted to scrapbook it because you don't very often get the chance to hold a Falcon.  I wanted it to be bright.  I used a bright paper and put it into a mask to soften the edges I used https://weescotslasscreations.blogspot.ca #84.   There are lots of neat free masks there.  I used a bright gold frame from a kit I purchased.
  7. Marlene, I hoped you enjoyed your trip to Canada.   I like the use of the license plate and the maple leafs.


    Eileen, the butterflies are great.  They make me think of freedom for vacations.  The camping trailers are great too.


    Pennbeth, thanks for the link, I checked it out, it is great.

  8. Dawn, lovely page and colors.  The way you made Even stand out is great.


    Marlene such a great story.  I like how you used a picture in the back and you sure made Even stand out.


    I spend lots of time in my flower garden.   We live on a farm and there is a lot of flowers.   So whenever anyone offers me help I take it cause EVEN Grammy gets help (sometimes).   I used several fall theme kits to make this page.  I really like the font.  I used Arial Black, then I used cass-ChalkTexture, with a smudge of 2, a border of 5 and texture size of 2.   Then I put a small drop shadow, Vert & Horz of 5, Opacity 80 and blur 2, on the Border layer.   It gave it a neat effect.  I put a simple off-white frame on the pictures.  I put them behind the basket to make it look like there were in the basket.  Put a small rotation on them to add a bit more effect!!  I am really trying to work on perspective shadows so I tried to put one on the garden shears.

  9. Cassel, you always make it look so easy.  Your color scheme is great!


    Day 2, I did the map from Google.  I did as explained and zoomed in and took several snapshots and then aligned them and merged them.   The map still ended up small.   I added the map points, purchased from Scrap Girls Embellishment Templates Map Pointers, to the map.  Glad I had a chance to use them.  Then I added them below the map, larger with the city names on them.   I used cass-Airbrushed Paper for the paper, with 3 colors white and 2 shades of blue.   I used cass-Edge Magic on the map and pictures.  I put a large center drop shadow on all three.  I put snowflakes on the snow picture and suns on Dubai picture with an outer glow layer style.

  10. Eileen, great page.  Effective use of the flag colors and the drop shadow on the location.


    We went to Dubai in 2007.  I did not know how I wanted to scrapbook it.  Now with the travel challenge I will be able to complete it.  I was there for meetings and we added another week for vacation.  My husband came too.   I did google and found the map of the United Arab Emirates and located Dubai with an X.  I added a bevel and with the paint brush I added blue to the water borders and brown to the edge of the border that has land.  The picture of the camels I took, I cut just a narrow strip of the picture.  Using sand texture from Scrap Book Campus I added a paper behind the camels and applied the sand texture.  Then I erased with low opacity the top of the camel picture so it would blend in.  I had purchased a flag template and copied, from google, the flag.  I tried to put a perspective shadow on the flag, I think it turned out OK.   I had a picture of the 7 star hotel and a picture out our hotel room.  I added a small border and applied a bevel.   I applied the sand texture to March 2007 with a darker brown.  For the border papers I used the colors from the flag and added a texture and drop shadow.

  11. Whenever I think of the sky I think of heaven.  We had a horse that my husband trained and our oldest daughter rode.  She was an excellent horse.  We went to the lake for a weekend and when we came home we found her dead.   She taught us lots about the love and respect of a horse.   I found a paper of of clouds, lightened it.  I scanned the pictures in so are that the best quality.  I erased around the edge of Bonnie's face.   I added two pictures, one of my husband riding her and the other of our daughter riding her.  I found some horse sayings from the internet.  The silver alpha with diamonds is an alphabet set I bought awhile back.  A very simple page but I really enjoyed remembering Bonnie.
  12. Thanks for the inspiration, AGAIN.  I love all of your work and please continue to post it really is great to see all the creative ideas.   I had this picture of our daughter sleeping with our granddaughter after an exhausting morning.  I did not know how to scrapbook it.   Then I applied the fantasy idea.   It is simple but I really like the results.  I just matched to background color to the color of the sheets added airbrush effect with cass-AirbrushedPaper.  Only 2 colors the color of the sheets and a bit darker color.   The main picture I just cut out the narrow strip of the headboard and part of the blankets.   Then I blended it by using the eraser low hardness and low opacity, on the top and bottom so it would blend into the paper.  I added some sparkle, and layer style with a small outer glow.   Added the text, I chose a script type text added a bevel.   Then I bought the Sleeping Beauty Flora, Fuana and Merryweather PNG file.  I can not remember where I bought it from I do lots of searches for Disney characters.  I applied a drop shadow to try to make it appear they are floating.  I need some extra work on that.   The page seemed a bit bare so I added the two smaller photos to the bottom left and made narrow frames and added a bevel.
  13. April I love your colors.   Christina I like your use of the letter C.  I plan to try it.


    My part, I used the cloud sequine, then I used cass-Clouds to fill it.   I was not able to get my sequin picture tube to work.   So I just followed the heart manually.   My other elements came from Lliella Playground kit.  My letter "L" can be for LOVE or our granddaughter LEXI.


    Thanks for the inspiration

  14. A couple of years ago we had a picnic in the yard.  I asked Lexi to smell the day lillys.   Well she got a bit to close.   A very simple page I blurred 2 pictures together.   The main background of Lexi of her running away and then I put the one of her smelling the flowers (on the left) in a mask and blended into the first one.   The 2 close ups show the pollen all over her face.  This is one of my favorite how innocent and listen to Grammy to smell the flowers.
  15. I tried to do the theme (the apple does not fall far from tree), so that is why I put apples in the background.  Sharisse our daughter some 30 years ago put cream all over her face.  Then our granddaughter (Sharisse's daughter) put cream on her face.  I scanned in the old photo of Sharisse and used the digital of Lexi.  Put a small black frame around the pictures.  It is so amazing our life comes right back at ya!!!!
  16. Thank you for your comments.  I love to scrapbook about my granddaughters.   While I am doing them I really have to laugh with them and at them.   Yes, this is an excellent forum to share and learn.  Have a great day.





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