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Royanne Hewko

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Posts posted by Royanne Hewko

  1. Such great inspiration, love looking at all the ideas.  This is Easter in 2017, that is how far behind I am.   I made the curve shape by combining several curve shapes to get the one I wanted.   Added some grunge to the paper and curve.   I selected just Lexi face and played with some layer blends until I got the look I wanted.   Turned the picture to black and white normal layer opacity of 52.   Then duplicated the layer to hard light opacity of 75.  Made my own stripes to match her dress.   The elements are from a purchased kit.  I made a scallop edge frame with mat template that I usually use when I want a scallop frame.   Added drop shadows and a date stamp.
  2. Wow!!!! What great work.   Enjoyed each one.    I took a basic template and the clip to it script.  The background is the pattern from the blanket, added texture to the brown rectangles.   Added some lines to give it a bit more colour, against the brown rectangle and curve, and added a small bevel.   Dogs eyes do not photograph well, so had to add a layer and with the paint brush added brown circles to hide the light.   As our dog's name is Candy I filled the text with candy.   Thanks Carole another interesting lesson.
  3. Lovely work ladies.   I used Cass airbrush script to make the background paper, made my own frames and added a small bevel.   I got the cabbage patch from the internet and erased the background.   The chihuahua is from a purchased kit, it looks very much like our little chihuahua.  The font is Go Around The Book, a free font, I like to use it on kid stuff.  Lexi our granddaughter was trying to put her Cabbage Patch, actually it was her mother's doll, into Candy's dog bed.  Candy did not really want to share her bed.  The pastels just came from the picture the yellow doll blanket and the purple from Lexi's shirt.
  4. We were camping and having a lazy day, put the TV outside and watched a movie.  I do not remember which movie.  For the background I used red and used "creating a canvas texture" from the lab, I made my own round frame and added a bevel.  My elements came from a purchased kit.   I used the pick tool on perspective to angle the text on the sign.   I added drop shadows based on Cassel's notes.  I used Cassels free movie film strip template.  I only had 3 pictures so i erased the part of the film strip I did not need.  I used "creating a ticket" from the lab.
  5. I was inspired by the Olympic Rings, as mentioned previously that was the theme for one of our annual birthday parties.   My sister hosted it and placed the Olympic Rings at the front of her driveway where we took pictures.   My brothers family represented the "Scotts"  I made the plaid pattern with Cass-plaid script, added a simple paper frame, found the crest on the internet.
  6. Great job ladies.   Annie both your projects are very calming and so different.   Sue the purple doily really stands out.   When I read the challenge and saw plaid right away I thought of the picture I wanted to scrapbook.   My doily is not very fancy as I tried one and it did not match the theme.   So just went with one hole and filled in the center.  I enjoyed making the beads again I used plaid.   Had lots of fun.
  7. Lovely work, great ideas!!!!   I do not have an "underwater" shot.   But my granddaughter was little mermaid for Halloween.   I tried to make it look like she was sleeping underwater water added a blue layer, above the picture,  with a low opacity to give the picture a blue tinge.   I used Cass mask maker to create a mask for her body.   I had some Little Mermaid clip art.    I used a water paper and added some sand on the bottom with a few bubbles.   I followed Cass text to path on an oval around Lexi.   Added drop shadows per Cass's guide.  I set them up as defaults what a time saver.  Overall I was pleased I think I got the effects I was looking for.
  8. Great inspirations.   I was inspired by the Olympic Rings.   Annually we have a birthday party the theme for the 2014 birthday party was the Olympic Games.   My sister's family represented Germans, my borther's family represented Scots and our family represented Ukrainians.    I used Flag World_flags_Mockup which was free.  I looked on their web site and could not find it but they have a variety of flags in layed format.    I picked a flamboyant background page picking the colors of the countries.   I drew the rings added a small bevel and shadow.   We picked leaders of our teams, we had a great time.   I will post a few more of our Olympic Birthday Games.
  9. My daughter and granddaughter were really tired.   I matched the background paper to the sheets on the bed.  Added a small bevel edge to black frames.   I erased the wall on the picture to the headboard.   Had the clipart of Sleeping Beauty Flora, Fuana and Merryweather.  Added some stars with a glow/white shadow.
  10. Thank you for the comments.   Annie and Cassel your pages are very inspiring.   I really enjoy looking at the work of other scrapbookers.


    My mom was a seamstress and she taught me how to sew.  I then taught my daughter how to sew.


    My daughter and I sewed my granddaughter 12 pairs of PJs.   I took a girl from the kit LLiella PJ Kids.  With the freehand tool, point to point, I went around her body, arms and legs and filled with actual pictures of the fabric we used for the  PJs we made.   I added a bevel to make it more realistic.  Then I selected the hair bows and slippers and changed the color.   I used cass-ColoredEdge for the red around the edge.   I used a quilt paper.  It sure took a long time to finish, but overall I was pleased.

  11. Great work.   Our youngest daughter wanted her bathroom to be yellow.   We could not find yellow shower curtains so I said I would make them.   Well, I folded the material in half and I ended up with 11 holes not the regular 12.   But, the funniest was, I did not notice it until I hung them up.   I had one extra hook, I thought that was great in case one broke.   Then I did a bit more looking and realized what I had done.
  12. DeLoris, you are such an inspiration your work is lovely.   Please keep sharing I really enjoy getting more ideas.   Our granddaughter started playschool.   I used Cass Chalk texture for the writing and apple.   I used my bestest script clip to it.   I make my frames/borders and then pick the paper from the kit and clip the paper to the frame and I am done.  I used sticker detail, scrapbook campus, for the sticker effect round "playschool"
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