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Michele Hunold

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  1. I'm in! How soon?
  2. No, I didn't know that! I just bought a bigger monitor. lol
  3. When I started out, I was very confused about my layers. Then I learned that you could NAME them! For me, it was a game changer. It's easier now to find what I want without the time consuming process of naming, but in the beginning it kept me from being totally lost.
  4. I had noticed that the scripts weren't quite "right" but just thought it was me not being very experienced running scripts. This is all starting to be fun now!
  5. That fixed it. Thank you very much.
  6. Thank you! I will begin that process now.
  7. It is PSP 2023 Ultimate ver. x64
  8. I am a total newbie so I'm sure this is something I'm doing wrong. My Delete key doesn't delete! I promote a selection to a new layer, go back to the original layer, hit Delete and nothing happens. Can anyone help?
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