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Art Kuiper

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  1. As suggested by Sue Thomas I have added shadows to the images on this project. I also learned that adding drop shadows as a new layer really helps. When I first tried to add a drop shadow, it wasn't to my liking. But another try just added a second shadow ti the first not a replacement. Then I saw the little box to add the drop shadow as a new layer. Now I can experiment until I get the effect I want. I also changed the images to the proper size as outlined in the instructions. My first go had some images the wrong size (too large). With the resizing the project looked wonky so I had to adjust the images to make it more balanced. Thanks for the learning opportunity.
  2. Thanks, Sue. I appreciate your comment. I have used shadows before and they make a big difference in making images stand out. I'll go back and add some and see how it works out.
  3. Seeing some of the entries in this forum encouraged me to give it a try. I haven't been active with Paintshop Pro or on the Scrapbook Campus for quite a while .It took some extra time to relearn some of the basic techniques on how to use the shapes in the starter image. Rereading some of the campus tutorials helped, thanks to Carole. I will have to get back to it more regularly to stay comfortable with the program. I am always impressed with the artistic skill of many of the contributors. Using all the different accessories to accent their images is such a good skill.
  4. Part 2 of lesson 5 completed. Now on to lesson six. I think I will be using vectors a lot more now that I understand them.
  5. It is fun to scroll through the pages of this forum to see all the great ideas presented in these exercises. Well done all. I'm falling behind a bit. I have only the first part of lesson 5 completed. Will get to the next part soon.
  6. Nothing fancy for the cutout lesson, just a simple cup. It took me quite a while to learn the steps and how to correct things when they did not work the first time. Several start-overs and re-dos were needed. Now I'm ready for lesson 5.
  7. After trying three leaves I now have the node thing figured out. I also found that lengthening and shortening the node handles gave me more control over the line shape. Who dreams up all this stuff to add to photo software. I'm not complaining but there sure is a lot to learn in PSP.
  8. This is not the most accurate image of a curling rock but as a lesson in exporting vector shapes it does the trick. I love all the submissions. They qualify as lesson 2a because I learn as well from the great images that are sent in. Bonus!!!
  9. I'm with you, Connie, on the fact that vectors are great for working on an image. I don't practice using them nearly enough. But this course may change all that. Onward!
  10. I learned some great new things in this first lesson. The heart and the arrow turned out to be easier to make than to make the image tell a story. I know that wasn't in the lesson by it was a fun way to spend the afternoon in the cool indoors. It's way too hot outside right now for gardening, etc.
  11. Merci Carole, That egg hunt was more than fun. I added the eggs as I found them and that was not in linear order. In the process I got to see the many great things that your blogs offer in the way of instruction on better use of Paintshop Pro. In the process of finding the eggs, I explored a lot of blogs that I will come back to. They are a perfect resource for getting better at scrapbooking and photo manipulation. Happy Easter, Gelukkig Pasen, Joyeuses Paques
  12. As I reread my note after your reply, Cassell, I realized that I forgot to mention the name of the farm. Just in case anyone wants to visit this site, it is the Highland Village, in Iona, NS.
  13. I wouldn't say this historical village is near me as I live in BC and Highland Village is in Iona, NS. A few years ago my wife and I decided to return to NS for a memory tour. We were both in the Navy and received our basic training a HMCS Cornwallis near Digby. NS. As we toured the province on our way to Sydney, we found, by chance, this wonderful little farm that was set up as a historical representation of when the Scottish first settled in Nova Scotia. The people there were dressed in costume of that period, as were the buildings and contents. The best part of this adventure was that people you spoke to talked as if the past time period was now. When you asked a question they answered as if it was the 18 century. We felt like we had just time travelled back 200 years. Well worth a visit.
  14. Hi everyone, I am saying hello from Delta, British Columbia. Home of the Great Blue Heron.
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