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Cristina last won the day on June 14

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  1. I was too fast 😁and wrote scripts instead of products, but it doesn't change the importance of the event. This is really a milestone! πŸ‘ ------------------------------------------------------------ "Are you all going to stick by me?? πŸ™‚" If life permits, for sure!
  2. Wow, Carole, I am sure when you started learning scripting, it never crossed your mind that one day you would reach the mark of 900 scripts!! This is quite an achievement... Congratulations!
  3. This is beautiful, Corrie! Great idea to use the Vector Spiral Script. I am slowly catching up with the comments and all the work posted... They are so inspiring!
  4. Bonnie, what an amazing experience! So close to this beauty... really a special moment.
  5. I love this, Susan! So many details and techniques... great job!
  6. I liked this technique so much, but I haven't yet had the opportunity to try it. Since the first time, someone (sorry, forgot who was) posted here, and later, when everybody tried their hand and created beautiful layouts... like this one, Corrie!
  7. I am happy you posted it, Dawn! The flowers look amazing. Great work!
  8. Oh, Michele, I'm so sorry to hear that. At the same time, I'm happy you're already at home recovering from it! The layout is lovely, as is all your work. Best wishes and a speedy recovery! πŸ’Ÿ
  9. I have worked with the lessons separately, but I will post here just one file that includes all the 3 other techniques (Text on a Path - Vector Tube Script - Cut a Vector Object) Text on a Path - I also added the "Text on a Circle" technique. I used Instant Effect Pen & Ink for the photo and Layer Styles Outer Glow. Vector Tube Script - I used cass-Pearls Tube. Cut a Vector Objectβ€”I drew a rectangle frame and cut it into 3 parts. I wanted to try something different so that I could choose a different color for every section of the frame. I cut the vector object in the original layer and duplicated it three times, deleting the unnecessary vector parts in each layer. Then, just ran the script as shown in the video. As always, this is a great workshop!
  10. I checked the file and still don't know how/what I did, but definitely not correct. So, I redid the lesson with the same graphic, and here is the new one.
  11. I have no idea right now... πŸ€” I have to go back and do it again to see what I did. But there are always so many things to do after a trip. Probably next week, I will be able to work with PSP.
  12. Here is Day 4. I chose a simple mug as I don't have much time today to deal with the "so-called" &%$nodesΒ§%&. πŸ˜„ It was good to review this lesson, as I didn't remember the "c-r-a-c paste" tip. As I am traveling tomorrow morning, I will catch up with the lessons once I'm back. The workshop will be over by then, but I want to finish it. πŸ™‚
  13. That's a great tip! I'll keep that in mind.
  14. Oh, Michele, I am so sorry to hear this. I do hope you get well very soon. As Dawn always says, Best wishes to you πŸ’Ÿ
  15. Yeah, same here about sometimes the arms being too small and having to move the cursor around to see where the arrows are. I also have my nodes small, and zooming in is a must. πŸ™‚ Sometimes, I click and click on the nodes and nothing happens. Then, if I check the Tool Options Palette, I see that, for whatever reason, the MODE has been changed from EDIT MODE to DRAW LINES AND POLYLINES. Working with Vector does require lots of attention to detail.
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