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Anita Wyatt

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Anita Wyatt last won the day on September 28 2023

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  1. I am in too. I find it hard sometimes to apply just the right shadow and this workshop will help a lot. I may be slow in completing the daily assignments as I am just recovering from my right eye band keratopathy surgery. This has to be done before I can have cataract surgery due to the calcium buildups. The left eye went well and then I had some problems with the right eye which and am taking meds for that. It is slowly getting better and I have a great team of doctors. It hurts when I look at the computer screen for a long time. and the right eye is still a bit blurry. Please be patient with me. I will try and do my best and I am looking forward to see what all of you are creating with the shadow effects.
  2. Here is my Lesson 2 Greeting Card. The Font on the Front is CF Carolina Script, and the font on the back is CF Halgeta.
  3. Answer to Carole's question above: I scanned the picture on one of my Birthday cards for Lesson 1. I am behind on all the lessons due to 2 tornadoes and golf ball size hail hitting our area in Temple and Belton TX on Wednesday May 22. We were out of power until yesterday evening and have a lot of clean-up work to do. Lost 2 trees, many tree limbs and need a new roof, but we are thankful that we and the cats are OK. Many people and businesses lost everything . I will keep working on the lessons, they will help me think of other things than tornadoes.
  4. Here is my Greeting Card Lesson 1: I used a cover from one of the Birthday cards I received over the past years. The font is one of my favorites "Chase CallasSH. I don't remember where I found it a long time ago. Following Carole's tutorial I learned a few new tips. I took this workshop in 2022 and it is so helpful to get a refresher workshop.
  5. It has been a while and I forgot what maximum file size of our projects we can post here in the forum. I just completed my day 1 and was ready to resize it for the forum and it will not post if the file size is too large. Thank you. I just found out file size is up to 500 kb.
  6. I'll be there and looking forward to it.
  7. We live in Belton TX which is right next to Temple TX and in the path of the eclipse..My husband will watch it with his solar eclipse glasses. I am not able ti watch it due to the sensitivity and problems with my eyes and I do not want to take a chance even with the special glasses.The fur-kitties and I will be inside and I will calm them if they think it is too early to get that dark outside. Quite a few years ago we watched the eclipse in Germany when visiting my Mom. We watched it from her balcony. It was amazing. I will check if I have any pictures. I remember it got very dark and quiet in the city.
  8. It is absolutely beautiful and a wonderful gift of memories for your family.
  9. Lesson 7 as a double page combining Lesson 5 and 7. I really enjoyed this workshop and learned a lot about selections, masks, creating a layered template and double pages. Thank you Carole!
  10. My Lesson-7: I followed Carole's tutorial and used Day 5 as the first page. On the second page I used horizontal rectangles and made them just a bit larger as my photos were larger also. I am posting both pages and will try later to combine them into a double page. This has been a great workshop. Thank you Carole and everyone here. Your artwork inspires me.
  11. Changes to Magazine Lesson-2: Changed color of mat behind text to green from blue to better match the photo. Will be working on Lesson 7. I have enjoyed this workshop very much. Thank you Carole!
  12. Changes to my Magazine - Lesson 1: I added the Date on top and FIRST EDITION on bottom. Font is Arial Narrow. Then I changed the frame colors from blue to green. Made the larger frame just a little bit darker green than the small frame.
  13. Here is my Day 6. This was a hard one for me, it is not perfect yet, but I am trying. Had a difficult time with text not showing until Carole reminded me to convert the text layer to raster. Even than PSP was acting funny and would not convert. I tried it with another sample and it worked OK. After stepping back a bit to get my energy back, it finally worked. However, I detected just a tiny border around the text, not the larger left side rectangle, just around the story text. After trying to get ride of that, I decided to leave it alone before messing up my whole project more. My photos were not quite the right size so I made them fit and deleted the grey area. My project showcases : Natasha, YaPurr, Bella and Siegfried. Because I had extra spaces below the photos I decided to add their names. Font used there : Amberto Bold. Font for Title as before Cat Paw. Added brown background with texture: Crumbled.
  14. He is so handsome, I love his facial expression. ? Thank you for sharing.
  15. Thank you Shirley! Ragdolls are beautiful. What does a Miradoll look like? I currently have 4 rescued inside cats and one long haired Patio Cat who is a feral. I have been trying to get her to trust me enough to become an inside cat. She is Siegfried's mother, and brought him to our patio when he was a tiny kitten. She would allow me to pet him and bring him in the house, but she refuses to be a house cat. I tried a couple of times and she totally freaked out. Our back patio is covered and we have a fence around the backyard. Also, 2 side walls of the house are on the right and left of the patio to keep the wind out. I have plenty of warm cat beds and blankets for her when it gets colder and I rig up a little campsite for her. Most of the time we do not get that cold here in Texas. I keep telling her what she misses by not being a house cat. Well, maybe some day, I hope. In the meantime she gets her 3 meals a day, sometimes more and seems to be happy about that. Once I place her food down she comes up to me and brushes against me to thank me, but I only get to touch her just a little bit, before she gets skittish. I have to be patient. Some of the other cats I show in the workshops are our Rainbow Bridge Angels that will always be remembered and loved.
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