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Everything posted by Randy

  1. PROJECT 4 - REPOSTED WITH PICTURE (I HOPE) Fonts used Which - Impact Path? - Cursive Serif - https://www.dafont.com/cursive-serif.font All elements came from the suggested pack. I did modify one paper I used Color Foil Then I used Typography Carole, Thank you for the information on the Music resources.
  2. PROJECT 4 Fonts used Which - Impact Path? - Cursive Serif - https://www.dafont.com/cursive-serif.font All elements came from the suggested pack. I did modify one paper I used Color Foil Then I used Typography Carole, Thank you for the information on the Music resources.
  3. Project 3 Butterfly - since I did not have same butterfly as in video, I used the same Drop Shadow as other elements such as pictures. Heading Font - Bailenson from Creative Fabrica - https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/bailenson-font/ Digital Scrapbook -- all of the elements listed below were obtained from Digital Scrapbook Green background paper (I used the colour changer tool to change the polkadots to more green) ps_marisa-lerin_1622_polka-dot-8-green_cu.jpg Paper with coloured diamonds in circles (I reduced brightness for part I used behind the title) ps_janet-kemp_137036_memories-traditions-quilt-paper_cu.jpg Paper with diagonal slashes ps_janet-kemp_352811_galentines-day-pink-chevron-paper_cu.jpg Butterfly (I changed the colour to white using the colour changer tool) ps_jessica-dunn_353814_baby-dear-stamp-butterfly_cu.png Folded Paper Flower (I lightened the colour using Adjust/Brightness and Contrast/Brightness and Contrast and adjust just the brightness) ps_marisa-lerin_11181_paper-flower-20-pink_cu.png Sunburst (behind the upper left folder paper flower) ps_jessica-dunn_167072_sunshine-and-snow-mini-sunburst_cu.png ................................ Challenge with font When I add a second line, the spacing is too large. So I created a separate text layer for each line. The spacing between lines is probably not exact. My settings were Offset 13 (I was unable to change) Kerning 69 Miter limit 10 Leading 0 Tracking 0 Challenge with "New Layer" text instead of icon In the layers palette, at the bottom is where I can select "New Layer" and other options. Mine is in text but would prefer to have the icon. I think I tried this before without success, but cannot remember or find the steps to take. I think I even tried reinstalling PSP but still the same thing. This is PaintShop Pro 2022 Ultimate. In PaintShop Pro 2021 (not Ultimate), I have icons.
  4. Project 2 I get the opportunity to sing at a couple of Special Care Homes in my province. So I thought I would show my guitar. I don't take pictures of the residents singing along with me as there is usually a warning somewhere about taking pictures. The background papers were from suggested packs for project 1 and 2. I did change the colours on a couple of them. The Treble Clef was from Digital Scrapbooking. I cannot recall where I got the musical notes.
  5. Your composition looks good enough to be in a magazine!
  6. Thank you for adding the story along with this. It is nice to hear how you made your decisions.
  7. Thank you. I got hung up on the frame tool and forgot all about adding borders. Thank you for the link.
  8. Project 1 - I tried to add a frame around the flower picture by using shadow on left and right sides. >>> I have found that for me, I am unable to use the frame tool in Paintshop Pro 2022 for large mages like this one (3600x3600) This may have made the drop shadow that I added for the project look bad around this. The picture was taken with my iphone 5S, yes it is old but still works. The papers I used were from the suggested pack from Digital Scrapbook site .. I did change the colour of one of the papers. For the hearts, I just used the Heart from Preset Shape tool and resized using other papers from the same pack. The font used is Varsity Team. I cannot be sure where I got this.
  9. Day 2 Exercise Here is my day 2 exercise. Just trying to catch up so nothing fancy today. I did take a shortcut to get my sandwich on the plate. I selected all layers from the sandwich, used Copy/Copy Special/Merged and then just pasted the entire sandwich to the plate. I did make sure that I could drag an individual item to the new image.
  10. I have taken the bootcamp before but a refresher is nice. As far as colour, I prefer the light gray. For background, I use black. palettes/toolbars Palettes I keep (but auto hide) Instant Effects - I have set up a number that I use off and on ... actually, I have had this up always but decided that Auto Hide is okay for now and if I need to, I can always keep up all the time. Toolbars I keep Effects Toolbar _ I like what Foil and a couple of others can do I keep Scrip Toolbar - I have saved a number of scripts and now taking the Script course I have not decided which photos I will be using yet.
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