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Posts posted by Suzy

  1. 6 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

    It was something like that Suzy.  I got a killer deal on the one time purchase for the year, and then they offered a second year even cheaper.  It was in November because it's all free for me until November 2024.  

    November - Summer - how time flies! ?

  2. 52 minutes ago, Donna Sillia said:

    I have just purchased a membership for Creative Fabrica instead of Adobe Express. Does anyone have experience with Creative Fabrica and their CF Spark?

    Donna, I have experience, but they have expanded the Spark offerings so much, I really have experience in two things- Patterns is the big one, but also transparent images. I think Mary is your better bet but I am happy to help if it's something related to plain old patterns or the website in general.

    One thing I would like to say is that sometime in the summer, before Spark, both Susan and I got a HUGE deal on a one-year membership - was it $4.95 a month for a year, payable all at once, Susan? THEN after purchasing that, they offered a second year for $3.95 a month, payable all at once for the whole year. I worry that they will start charging for Spark separately now that's gotten so big.

    I think you'll like Creative Fabrica. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Here's mine - I want to see it up and side by side, online and on a white background, but in general I still think yours is better. In the flower world, it has "more music".  Just a little if I'm not mistaken.  Hopefully I'm wrong because I have made this version my preset shape. After MUCH trial and error -- mostly error, LOL!  Thank you so much for the video!



    To Post.jpg

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  4. Thank you so much!

    Is there a way to keep it even? And not off kilter? I know you get the symmetric node(s), but I also want it to hold the basic shape and not get all crazy.

    I was thinking maybe holding down the shift key or the control key when you nudge the node in, for example? How did you keep yours so perfect?

    thank you for the video…I still have such trouble with those darn VECTORS!


  5. Grrr. Grrrrrrrr! I have not had a good night tonight! And to see you so easily get that shape makes me inordinately furious!  What radius is that? If it’s anything in the range of 55, then why isn’t mine looking that smooth?  I keep thinking that PSP should come with that shape preloaded!

  6. 1 hour ago, Cassel said:

    You can actually do that using the Symmetric Shape tool, set to 4 sides. then, you can move inward, the node that will appear on the side and all four sides will follow. That is a really cool tool to use! Try it.

    Here is what I can get, left side. I'm using the flower side of the symmetric shape tool, not the shield side of it in case that matters. I think I used 55 on the radius.  What I want to get is the right side, but if I go too high on the radius, I get a circle. Round inner is checked, round Outer is unchecked.

    Is this shape possible using symmetric shapes? with no pen tool?



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  7. If I were going to make this pointy square like this, I would make a square and then put four circles along the edges and delete, but that won’t get me a vector, will it? 

    how do I make this shape? And I want a preset shape so I can change it to a Diamond with the same style.


    Well, I can’t figure out how to get the image from the website to this post. ☺️



  8. Ah, Jannette, I am so sorry this keeps happening!  We use so much slang, I don’t see how any of the Europeans can figure out what we’re saying! (And that includes the English!)

    Ann has the right of it. It just means to get into the inner-workings. Under the hood of a car is the inner workings of the car. (However “behind the curtain” also showed the inner workings of the Wizard in Oz, so maybe not much different, afterall.)

    I often will delete a word or change a phrase when I post here, thinking it could be confusing, but I don’t always think about it.
    Just keep in mind we admire you all, and could NEVER do what you do! Google translate, or not!



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  9. I am so slow because I went down a rabbit hole on songs with color in them. ?

    QUESTION: Cassel, on Day 3 video, around 4:43, you are able to color sample the red shirt while your plain text layer (a different layer) is active.  I used to have this ability YEARS ago, but had lost it. Can you think of the setting I have messed with which precludes me from sampling any layer except my active one? It is a terrific time waster! 

    • Like 2
  10. On the cameras - maybe I should look at mine and see if there is another setting? LOLOLOL!

    Gerry, Athens looks pretty fancy there! I'm guessing they went with neoclassical because of the name  (Greek) Athens.

    Sue, quite perfect!


  11. 33 minutes ago, Cassel said:

    I certainly hope that this workshop will make it easy for people to use all those pictures to create a page!

    I should have gone with an 8 1/2 x 11 instead of the 12 x 12, but I didn't think (and still do not think) I wil be printing it, so wh not go with the traditional square?  I'm not even sure I like this! (The Title)

    We have one of those Robert Love "Love" statues, so the O is off kilter.  I think I may have it too close; will be interesting to see it here online.





    To POst 600x.jpg

    • Love 10
  12. How hard can it be to put a few words and a big picture together?

    How many people here have a camera which takes 12” minimum photos, both dimensions?

    How many people here spend 1/2 hour to get a photo up-to-size by only 30% using AI?  And it’s not even finished! (This is on my new 2023).  I’m not sure what the 2022 would do. And the PSP X2 or X4 would only make it blurry.  


  13. That's just perfect, Sheila! Is Coughton Court still the home of the Throckmortons?  There was a daffodil show there for at least a few years, maybe 2014-2018?  because the American, Dr. TomThrockmorton, was a Daffodil VIP and breeder. I think they wanted to get a broad array of his originations growing there for display purposes.

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  14. 35 minutes ago, Rene Marker said:

    I actually scrapped this morning! With my surgery scheduled for October 2, I decided to do the cover page for my October album early. I used a photo from October 2022 and papers and elements from my kit, Autumn Dream that I made during the Build-A-Kit workshop. I used a mask from the Mask Workshop (Day 3 Extra) and NO TEMPLATE!!! Big for me since I love using templates!


    2023 Oct Daily Cover.jpg

    Yay on the surgery!  Doing the happy dance for you!

    The LO is very beautiful …great photo. And the alpha-font treatment is really, really nice!

    • Like 2
  15. Aw, Calli, don’t sweat it! It is soooo hard to keep people straight when you’re new to the group (assuming you’re new….actually, I’m rather new, too).

    Just remember there are millions of us and only one of you and it will take a while, and we know that.  One things which helps is the photos. I had a much easier time remembering people with thumbnail photos in the beginning, but soon their individual personalities come through as well as their different designs, whether they had a photo or not. 

    • Like 5
  16. 27 minutes ago, Michele said:

    There was a challenge in February 2018 called Love Story and this is Day 1. I can't find it anywhere, not even in the archives. Earlier in this topic @Cristina said it was redone as the Masks Workshop. 

    Love Story Day 01 (2018_08_02 16_43_59 UTC) 600.jpg

     Beautiful LO, beautiful woman. Beautiful tribute.

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  17. Sidetracked - yes. Sheila, you hit the nail on the head!  That is at least half the time I spend on this thing! I kept seeing articles and other links I wanted to follow!

    QUESTION: So on this party on Sunday, 11:00 am Eastern Time, and it appears the link here will become live at the correct time:https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/campus-dozen/.

    The question is: Will we been seen?    In other words, Do I need to put on makeup? hahahaha

    Inquiring minds (and pale people) need to know! (this is an American joke)

    • Haha 1
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