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Shirley last won the day on November 16 2023

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  1. Shirley


    I couldn't see any translation Carole, I used my lazy brain, clicked on the link below the image and it took me to the download arrow Just a fluke on my part I think.
  2. Shirley


    Thanks Carole, I was most impressed with the Lady 22 templates , but I don't understand the language if it is not in English
  3. Yes, I understood it was free too, but it is listed as a paying script. Unfortunately our exchange rate is very cruel so I am going for the the long way too. Its good practice.
  4. Shirley


    Where is a good place to find free templates. Thanks
  5. Hi here is my day 4, getting a little behind, I can't sit too long as I have been getting migraines. I am also on a time schedule to get my Granddaughters scrapbook finished which doesn't help, so today I have managed to use the given template for a double purpose. I wasn't sure if it would work because the book is smaller and not quite square, but its all good so happy me.
  6. Hi, here is my Day 3. " Dining out" We were travelling around in our holiday bus, and stopped off to visit some relatives. Looking at it, it looks like I have missed a drop shadow.
  7. Carole, the gentleman in my photo is my husband, and he was a gentleman. Thanks for asking.
  8. Hi, here is my Day 2. This is me visiting a friend of the family who works at one of our Historic towns, and they are known for the penny-farthing tricycle. It was such a fun day.
  9. My project for day 1
  10. 2 old fishermen with many tales to tell
  11. Calendar 2024.Cover Theme "Its a cats tale" Thanks Carole, I enjoyed this and picked up good tips. Maybe I will be first to post the cover, as we in NZ get to see the new day first.
  12. Thanks Carole, My boys are, George a ragdoll, Charli a Ragdoll/Burmese, and Pete a miradol. I can't see the script characters not aligning, is it on George's name. Mind you, I do have cataracts in both eyes. (that is true, recently diagnosed) On the 2400 pxl page they look fine, but maybe looking a little squashed tog on the 500pxl down sized page. I can see where it would be better with no outline, that is good information, thanks. I learn something new each time. I am using psp 2020.
  13. A lovely floral calendar. very interesting
  14. Calendar 2024, My boys together. I chose to try the lines for the space instead of a photograph. They are a wee bit off line, but that is my best, I never choose to be perfect, there wouldn't be any challenge in that lol. Pete is a Miradol, George is a Ragdoll, and Charli is a Ragdoll/Burmese, that is why he is a little leaner than the two fatties. The cartoon is the work of my very talented grandson. He is known for his family caricatures.
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