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kasany last won the day on March 9

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  1. My work based on Our Fractal Garden /https://ourfractalgarden.blogspot.com/ /where I was working with fractals of my friends in the past. BTW, I know spider is not an insect but it is visible in the darden very often so excuse my mistake.
  2. Really good pick and an idea to create the texture.
  3. Mask used with my recent work/fractal.
  4. I still work with INSECTS AROUND US. My recent work created before.
  5. Lovely picks and these creatures as well:)
  6. Fine background. There are so many arrows but they look very good: )
  7. Hey You. My fractal created with Fractal Explorer as a background of the picture. I like Pink Floyd so much:)
  8. Realy sweet Poppy:). You took fine shots of her.
  9. Dirty Apo Dances. Dirty Apo=Apo with a black background.
  10. Secret Park. Shots taken by JK /mountains, lokal park/, custom shape PS-frog. Carole, thank you for your work with our FORUM. It seems everything is fixed:)))))))))
  11. Merry Christmas:) Carole's: Christmas Tree with changed color, frame, a single latern on the pick taken by JK. Thank you Carole for advice:
  12. LOVELY, very original christmas tree:)
  13. Warsaw Before Christmas. Photos taken by Jacek. Template - .psd from PhotoEffect https://effectphoto.blogspot.com/?m=1
  14. Thanks so much:)
  15. Tatry '24. It was a Real last minute to have a trip in the Polish montaines. No rain, nor snow what shots show:) Used a template from https://effectphoto.blogspot.com/p/photoshop-collage-templates.html?m=1. PSP works with them fine, BTW he loves montains, hence this template.
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