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Text on a curve or styled line

Barbara Ruddick

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Did you try following the tutorial here: https://scrapbookcampus.com/2016/07/text-on-path-in-paintshop-pro/


That tutorial was done using X8. Are you getting a different behavior with X9? If so, what is different? That will help us pinpoint whatever detail might be missing for that version.

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Hi Cassel...I have not seen the tut yet but normally in earlier versions of PSP i can put my text tool on a selected curve and the text will follow the curve. In SPS X9 it will not do it. the little text 'T' does not get an "A" behind it allowing me to write on the curve. I thought it might be in the control or options. Do I have to put my text tool to Selection rather than vector? thanks. Barbara
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Hi Cassel again. I did try to make the text again and it won't work for me. I have two screen shots of what is happening and maybe you can see what I am doing wrong. After you tell me, I will be surprised that I never saw it I think...lol hugs, Barbara..ps..I hope you will be able to see the screenshots..



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