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BOOTCAMP July 2020


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Project 1 - Day 3 completed.  I used papers and elements from kits by Jen Maddocks and Lara's Digital World.  The photograph is my own.  I also learned to drag and drop from the layers palette.  The Title was a Paintshop Pro Preset and the journaling font was Segoe Print.
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Greetings all,


Here's my Project 3.  Another ship from the SF Maritime Museum.


I went for a 'post card' look on the image dimension-wise.  A couple of backgrounds of blue prints for the paper.


I think the image meets the intent of the assignment.  But a question:


How much 'bling' is too much?  I know it's a judgement call, but when does adding embellishments start detracting from the overall effect?

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Cathy, have you tried to download the file again? How large was the file you downloaded? In any way, you are very resourceful as you still managed to get a nice lunch! Is that a sunset or a sunrise on your first project? Either way, it is really colourful!


Margaret, if you were to make 100 digital sandwiches, you would get very efficient and faster. But either way, those are the best for weight loss, for sure! For your issue about the text, there is a likely simple explanation: when you add some text, accept it, and then add more text, it will likely be created as a new "object" but on (under) the same Vector layer. To see if that is the case, click on the little triangle on the left of the Layer, and you should see two "sub-layers". Moving one will usually move both at the same time UNLESS you activate the Text tool and select one of the two "sub-layers". That is one reason why I tend to select a raster layer before clicking to add a new text: that will create them on separate layers and makes them easier to move around. If I could offer a suggestion for your page is to look at your elements and their layering: would you put a photo ON a button?


Brad, was the bread to stale? Is that why the fork stuck in it? Good work either way.


Kathy, glad you got your workspace set up. Did you add more pickles or just took them out of the sandwich? That is a very interesting mask that you created. I would point out that if you are adding shadows on the papers to give them dimensions, you would have to be consistent with the photo. You could merge your mask group to add shadows to the various sections of the photo. Consistency is essential.


Cindy, since you have done the Bootcamp several times, that makes a lot of sandwiches! Aren't you tired of the same menu? ;) Glad to see that you managed to get this first project without issues. I guess you are getting more comfortable now.


Ben, did you create a scrapbook page with a photo of your own? You recreated the preview of the kit, which is not a scrapbook page, unless you just posted the wrong image. Can you check that?


Ann, picking the kit, the papers and elements is often a longer process than making the page itself. But it is worth the work because your page is lovely.


Fay, your first project is lovely and I am impressed that you created such a nice set of elements and papers. Lovely result! And that tip of Click and drag is one of the many other tips in my book! There are so many little tricks, shortcuts or even things we don't know about using PSP!


Monique, if you don't add a shadow on the one that shows on the bottom right, it is ok as the shadow would be outside of the page. However, for the one where the photo is more in the middle of the page, it loses the 3D effect, especially since the piece of paper right underneath does have a shadow.


Robert, it is so much fun to see how everyone is tweaking the various elements of their sandwich. Maybe I should make a whole "bootcamp" all around the sandwich exercise and adding lessons about colorizing, extracting, etc. Humm... you are all giving me ideas! Your question about embellishment is a great one. I have seen such a range of "no embellishment at all" to "so many embellishments that you are searching for the photo". I tend to go in-between, and use embellishments to showcase the photo, accent it, or balance the page, but I believe that the photos and the stories should still be the star of any project. Some people use scrapbooking more as an art than memory keeping. I assume that's one explanation for the difference. Does that make sense?


Lynn, that is a lovely photo of Abby and nicely showcased.


Amy, you will discover how shadows can make your work look so much more realistic. These are just basic shadows, but once one learns to manipulate them, the effects can be amazing. I am glad you see the difference with shadows.

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Cassel:  Yes, it makes sense.  As with art, it's the eyes of the beholder.  I agree with you that the photo should be the focal point.  So, another ideas for 'boot camps', image/page composition and using lines and embellishments to draw the eye to the photo.  Since PSP uses the basic forms of rule of thirds, golden spiral, diagonals and such in the crop tool, it might be good starting point.
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Robert, I believe a scrapbook page has three components - photos, artistic enhancement and words.  The amount of artistic enhancement is obviously the choice of the page designer BUT it certainly can be overdone to the point that the most important part of the page, the photos, is overshadowed.  I also believe that without words, the page becomes just an embellished photo album and without photos it's just a page in an art journal.    ?



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Henry, it looks great and the size here in the forum is controlled by the site system but if you click on the image you'll see the larger display.  I always do that because it gives you a better idea of what the layout looks like.  ?



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Hello all,


Just posting from Day 1.  Had some software and then computer issues.  Have had many versions of PSP for a few years but have been baffled (i.e. scared) to seriously explore it.  As for  preferred color background, I ended up with dark gray and light gray because the contrast makes it easier on old eyes to read.


Hoping to get started on scrapbooking 13 years worth of grandkids pics as well as switch to PSP from Microsoft program I've been using to create digital greeting cards.



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I don't know how to do the wink Carole, but I can type it   WINK...  no I realize with being comfortable, or understanding I can follow your instruction better. I learned from this one, to follow instructions better.  Never did I before just pull over a slice of bread on the plate or a onion,  or make several duplicates at one shot.  To do it your way is the fast easier way in the past I was in a hurry to do it how ever can make it work. I was doing a copy paste deal before up to now!!!!!


OMG just realized maybe my ferrel childhood has followed me.  In any case I am here oh well.   Lol  I have so many thoughts at once sorry.     I am learning now, not just doing it how ever I can to tread water.    And I want to learn the right way.

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Robert, that is a good idea, and that might actually be one of our monthly Master Classes!


Monique, the shadow does give that 3D effect. You mention that an offset of 10 looks too large. Were you working on a full-size image or the resized image? Typically, 10 pixels is ok for the full-size but obviously, if you work in a different size project, you need to adjust those settings, which you did, based on what you saw. That is great.


Ben, that was a great first project. May I suggest that you layer the rope on top of the photo? That would be more realistic as the photo would likely not stick on top of a rope. Placing it where you have it, would be a great location to just emphasize the nautical theme.


Henry, as Fay mentioned, the system resizes smaller when it displays but clicking on the image shows it at the size you uploaded it. We recommend 600 pixels wide to save on the bandwidth and hosting. Your project is great and the shadows are all done correctly.


Susan, I am happy that you are diving in now.  We'll be here to help you if you ever get stuck. Lovely photo that you will definitely want to showcase!


Cindy, winking back at'ya! Looking forward to your other projects.


Allen, did you add shadows to your project? I don't see it, but the colors used might make it hard to see them, especially when you resize the page as instructed.

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I'm stuck on Day 2.  I can't get both files to show up at the same time side by side.  I can go to the plate or the sandwich back and forth but can't copy one layer to the other file or drag it or duplicate it or....I'm in edit mode, is that right?  Everyone's pages looks fantastic!



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I am much happier today. I wasn't getting errors today. I found some templates and was able to use them. I got the hang of using the drop shadows and rotating, etc. It is beginning to be fun. I can see making cards for family members. :}



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Late starting.

I have some photos from a family vacation 20 years ago that Ive just finished scanning all the negatives and so hope to be scrapbook -ing these. It seems a nice way to bring together various themes and focus on points of interest.


Back soon, regards Simon



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I seem to have finished episode #3 without exploding or melting down.  near the end, I did find I spelled my small letters wrong, but couldn't get in to correct my spelling.  I put e's instead of o's.  duh.


I hope my file isn't too large.

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