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BOOTCAMP July 2020


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Simon Kidd, be aware to search each 15th of the month for updates of Windows. Only this can help you breaking down a program you are working with.


To get there: Start>Settings>Update


At this moment the update goes as far as 2004 version 19041.388 To this is a update to the new logo of Edge.


In the coming year the 32 bits version will end and buttons you have now get more simpel. There will be no Windows 11 or 12 but update after update.



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Simon Kidd you wrote: "Sadly my PC completely misbehaved on me this evening (a windows update started …)"


This month Windows has a big update and that is why the problems came to people working with huge files. I would advise to search for a update each 16th of the month. Maybe you missed even the 1903 update and Windows is catching up.


How can you see this all. Go to START and right click your mouse> go to system> Look what version of Microsoft is running. You need to have 2004 and 19041.388. It is a big update for the rollout of May this year. Keep in mind to update in time. I do this each week, so that an update does not slow my machines.


To see if there are updates Go to START> left click go to settings (the little flower)> scroll down and push the button update.


Be aware that Windows is going to change in the coming time. For people running the 32 bits version it is going to be the end for Windows. The visualisation of pictograms is going to be more simple. Windows Edge will get his own logo. For those who have not seen it. this is the Dutch site: https://www.microsoft.com/nl-nl/edge


For people using PSP there will be not much change to use it, but programs like Office pro, Adobe Photoshop and 3D programs a videocart with power is needed (basic cart Nvidia RTX 2060)  Dont worry but if you buy a second hand machine, look that it is a quad core. Best is with DDR4 memory, because DDR3 memory is running out. 2021/2022 will DDR 5 memory come to the market.


Please don't worry with all this information and have fun as long as you can.



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Brad, I love that you took the tutorial of the different colors for individual letters and you went further by changing the fonts too! Following the design is totally ok. If you spend less time figuring out a "creative" change, you get more energy to learn and practice the technique. Did you manage to get the tutorial for project #5?


Ben, thanks for your information about Windows update. We should keep an eye on that I guess.

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And the winners of the Random Draw will be announced in the newsletter, in a few minutes!


Whether you were one of the winners picked at random, you all won through this Bootcamp. Everyone learned something. Everyone created wonderful projects. Everyone shared interesting stories. Everyone was supportive of each other. This Bootcamp was a success!

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Wow, just discovered I was randomly selected to win 1st prize for the Scrap Bootcamp.  I'm absolutely thrilled.   I loved the Bootcamp and learnt so much as well as enjoying seeing all the other fabulous layouts.  Hopefully, we'll see more of each other in the other Forums.  Congratulations also to Allen and Monique.  To Carole (Cassel) a huge thank you for all your input and encouragement - I would strongly recommend this course to anyone starting out in Digital Scrapbooking or using Paintshop Pro.
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Congratulations to the prize winners. I hope you get addicted as I am. When I started in 2002 with PSP and Jasq I followed some lessons to get the in and outs. A nice thing I found was that a mistake always could be wiped out by the back button. Although many programs came and are gone, PSP kept its feet on the market. I try to take the newest version each time for that little extra. The time is coming for me where the expositions come and nice to know is that you can make a flyer with PSP in a professional way. When people send me their work to show, I resize their work to 15x10cm and go in PSP to Edit>Copy special>Copy for special printingwork and save it as PNG file. Try it yourself if you print your scrapbook work to a cart.  It was fun to see what you made out of nothing and gave your own twist using the expertise of Carole. I am not gone and will going to come inside and look what new bootcampers are able to.


Thank you for having me around,



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Whew! Pant, pant. I am uploading the last one and didn't do a couple of the things you suggested and probably screwed up or found another "creative" way to do them. A million thanks for all this and might do this all over, again, but this really cut into my sleep time, especially since my son or one of my friends would call and want to talk 4 hours. I learned many things about just doing the most basic things and what I learned about layers will keep me busy for a long time. Still confused when it comes to text on vector or raster layers for text and certain actions to take with text. Text color is still hit or miss and often jumps back to the prior settings and colors. You definitely got me started and I am grateful for all that.

Information about the picture. It was one of the zombie movies I was in and while waiting in the tent between scenes, we were all fooling around and made a zombie last dinner. That might explain the hanging rope. I was out of crosses. I haven't been in church much since my preacher threw me out of the church when I was in high school. Some of my other pics in other projects were on other movie sets.

BTW, I just clicked on one of my pspimage files and PSP opened up, but complained it couldn't open the file. I have opened them from inside the PSP program, but not this particular one.

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I thought, as I mentioned earlier, the kit was a bit to bright for me.


Finally got the time to change it a bit. Thanks for the tip, Carole. Used the hue/satuaration.


I don't think you can see it very well. I changed the yellow strip.

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