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Thumbnails not showing image in file explorer PSPX8


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Can someone help me please, the thumbnail images are not appearing in file explorer.  all other images appear, ie: jpg, png, etc, but not the psp or pspimage.  I didn't have a problem with it in X7 but am having lots of problems in X8 besides this one.
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No I haven't had any problems saving files, but I have problems trying to change colors once I've started a graphic.  Like if I want to add a color most the time I can't change the foreground color.  I think they released X8 too early it seems awfully buggie.
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really, I'm so glad someone else is having the same troubles as me with that program, whenever I go  to look at the corel forum I can never find anyone having my same problems.  As far as the updates go, I believe my version is current it's the trial version downloaded from their site
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as far as the foreground color having problems with changing it, i think I found the solution.  If you are trying to grab a color from a swatch and not picking a color from an image.  Try pressing the control button and click on the color swatch  you are trying to use, it should change.  It worked for me.


Now my issue is everytime I try and use a paintbrush my program crashes. ARGGGGGGGG



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I am not sure how i can help but i know that SOME thumbnails will appear for me, some others won't. Maybe it has to do with what version i used when i saved them, but i didn't test this yet. What Windows version are you using?


Diane, the issue with the saving of images MIGHT be related to a compatibility issue. Maybe. For me, i always use the compatibility set for PSP8 as i have members using very old versions of PSP, but i found out that if the compatibility is set to PSP8, in PSPX8, it won't save AT ALL. I had to change the compatibility to PSP9 for the X8 to accept saving. I have recently reported this as a bug, and i know they have looked at the report.


For the issue of picking a color, you might want to check what settings are there for the Eyedropper tool. Sometimes, it can be set to "all layers" being checked or unchecked (i always use it UNchecked). Also, in the Material palette, make sure the "All tools" is checked. It might help with some of those issues?

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I have tried to change the compatible to PSP9 but that hasn't helped with the saving of my images...it is funny that it is only a problem with PSPX8.


If PSP is crashing when you pick a brush, you may have to reset the program back to its default state. You'll lose any changes you've made but it may help restore some stability: Hold down your "SHIFT" key and double-click the "Paintshop Pro" program. Windows will display a prompt asking if you want to reset the the program to its default state. Click "Yes."


Good ideas from both of you about the Eyedropper tool. I'll try to keep them in mind.


I've been without access to PSP for over a week thanks to my computer being in the shop (frustrating because they can't find out what's wrong with it though clearly something is when I am using it.....maybe it is haunted).

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I have tried to change the compatible to PSP9 but that hasn’t helped with the saving of my images…it is funny that it is only a problem with PSPX8.

When you said you have a problem with saving, what do you get? Are you getting an error message? or nothing at all?

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For the thumbnail issue, although i don't know if it is specific to X8, but i just tried something and it works:


In Windows Exporer, go to Tools > Folder options > View tab


In the Advanced Settings, under Files and Folders, one of the first item is "always show icons, never thumbnails". It should be UNCHECKED.


If it is checked, uncheck it, click Apply then OK


If it is already unchecked, check it, click Apply then OK. Then go back and do the same thing to UNcheck it.


I did it, and it works on all my .pspimage files.

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I've tried the checking and unchecking and that didn't work for me.  I'm using Windows 8.1.  I have NEVER had a problem with PSP like I'm having with X8 and I've used them all from X on up.  This is such a buggy version.  It might just be easier to use X7 but then you don't get all the cool things that X8 is offering.  ARGGGGGG  My Main issues at the moment are not being able to see my PSP or pspimage images in file explorer and the brushes crashing the program.  I'll try the resetting and see if that helps either of my problems.  I did post about the brushes on the Corel forum and am waiting for a response.  Will let you all know if I find out anything that is useful.  thank you for your help!!
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OH another thing, once I close X8, it won’t reopen again unless I restart my computer.

That is definitely odd. If resetting to default does not work, you might need a drastic measure of reinstalling. If you go that route, make sure you save your Workspace (if you did any customization) and save it in another location than the My Libraries, just in case.


X8 has bugs, i have to agree. The problem is not that it has necessarily more bugs than previous versions, but that they are showing more for you. In the Corel user-to-user forum, some people will ask about a particular bug they are experiencing, while others don't see the same thing. I had a problem with the Batch process, i had it documented, i even had a video showing how it was behaving. The tech team checked, they even worked directly on my computer and could not find the reason. And i was the ONLY one to report that issue. Considering the number of Windows versions, of antivirus tools, firewalls, and so many other programs we have on our computers that can share resources or settings or whatever, it is not surprising that a program will have some "particularities" for some and not others. I am not saying it is ok, but that is what technology is, unfortunately.

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One thing I suspect is wrong has nothing to do with PSP. There is some program (or combination of programs) that I think is/are memory suckers and PSP stops working when whatever it/they kick in. I don't know if it is a malware/virus checker, update thingy, or what. I have to close my browser regularly because it has the same problem of simply running out of memory. Now according to the guys who work on my computer, I should have plenty of memory, but something is going on. This is, however, so particular to my equipment that I don't think it's worth exploring with Corel.


I've already sent a snapshot of the error message I get when I try to save certain files....I don't think there's much point in revisiting that problem. I just mentioned it because Lori is having problems with PSPX8 and I wondered if there were any problems she was having that were similar to mine.


Thanks for all the help.



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Technology is picky and with so many possible program combinations it is even surprising that any program can work, sometimes. I know how things can be picky just when i code scripts and have to account for about 10 versions. And lucky for me, it is not affected by other things like Windows versions, or other programs on one's computer (or i would have pulled all my hair out by now!).


I have tried getting some scripts converted for Photoshop Element, by a programmer, and the testing was awful: i could never get all the versions (add also the Windows/Mac option) to work even on super simple code. That is why i am not even considering going through the Adobe route to convert my products: it is worse than a nightmare!

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OH MY I know have a headache! lol  That makes alot of sense now that  you explained it to me as to why we all aren't showing the same bugs.  Thank you for that explanation.  I will quit complaining about this version and see if I can't find some type of work around or find out what is conflicting with PSP.  thank you very much ladies for your input and knowledge!!
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If you ever have issues or problems with your PSP, don't hesitate to ask in here too. We might have experienced the same thing. We might not. We might know of a solution. We might know of a workaround. If nothing else, we can report it as a bug (i have some contacts with the team, so although i have no say on what they are working on, i can make sure they KNOW of issues, and i can try to help documenting it for everyone).


You know what? I heard that many other programs also have similar bugs. We just hear about the PSP ones because we are using it!

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Other programs are definitely buggy, some far worse than PSP. It's best, I think, to think of programs as works in progress rather than something that ever finished. But, now that I think about it, that's how I think about life in general. What can be confusing is when a program like PSP seems so reliable in an older version and then becomes quirky in a newer one (the result, no doubt, of trying to add features). It's hard to figure out if the problem is the program, a result of a malware infection, or a computer issue. It's all too complicated for me. I just want to open my program, do what I want to do, and not have to deal with problems. But that's a little too idealistic at this point.
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I found a solution, although not free, but my psp images are now showing on the thumbnails in windows explorer.  There is a program called Mystic Thumbs, I've downloaded the trial version and i now have images on my thumbnails.  thinking about purchasing this program if I can't find a free solution to my problem within the next 30 days.
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  • 3 months later...
I had the same problem with the thumbnails with my new version of windows 7 ultimate, and I also had to by Mystic Thumbs, it's the only way for me to see thumbnails.  There is no other free software that works. I tried lots of them. Mystic thumbs is the only one working. It's a great program and I use it since november 2015 with out any problems
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I have experienced other issues where i could no longer even see jpg images (which is likely not related to the same thing you are experiencing), but i found a little application called Media Preview that will let you view images that do not display otherwise. Might be worth keeping as a backup plan.
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