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Bootcamp - January 2020


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Project 4 complete.  Love the zig zag effect but had problems.  At first I could only do it if I used the Background Eraser.  Amongst other things I changed the colours in the Materials palette (had one Transparent and the other Texture).  Finally got it to work but not sure what I did to achieve this.  Added a little more shadow to the frames.  Thought it needed it - perhaps because of the darker colour of the frame  (I used a colour in one of the photos).  I didn't think my layout suited having text in alternating colours but a great tip to have up my sleeve for future projects.
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Working on day 6 and I'm already stuck on the border of the first pic.


I had the magic wand settings as you instructed, replace>opacity 0. I then did the selections>modify>select selection borders, but then when I went to flood fill, it only did a small portion of the border. See screenshot, I did the border in black, so it would be easier to see that there is only a small section on the right (where I clicked) that flood filled.


What am I doing wrong?



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Day 6 project


BarkBox is a monthly subscription of toys & treats for dogs. It's always Penny's favorite day. :)  These pics were taken this past November.


The paw print elements at the bottom and top right, I decided to treat those as stamps, so I didn't add a drop shadow to them. But I did want them to stand out a bit more, so I adjusted the brightness level of them and I really like how they turned out.


I enjoyed this project and the different ways of manipulating the text.

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Hi Cassel,

I finally got my PSP to work, it's still very slow. I'm going to get it working so I can take the next class with you. I have learned so much in this class. I appreciate your step-by-step instructions. I hope you know how special you are, I think my classmates would say the same. I look forward to working with you in the future. Day 7



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Gwen, you found a great photo to illustrate that "concentration" theme. I do suspect that you might have distorted the photo a bit. I would recommend that you read this article about resizing photos.


Lynn, you used the glitters very nicely. Did you add shadows to your project? I have a soft spot for furry friends!


Shirley, I love your cats!!! You are comfortable with the shadows, I see!


Lyn, one "odd" behavior that I have seen with the Eraser tool is to not erase correctly *IF* you have a texture in the background swatch. Removing that texture would make it work fine. I thought it was a bug but it is apparently an old feature that was no longer documented starting with version 8 (the old JASC one). Maybe that is what happened? As for the shadows, you are correct: when the paper is darker, a little more shadow would be useful.


Colleen, that would make for a good TV commercial for Bark Box!!! Your use of the paw prints as a stamp is a good idea.


Sally, that is such a fun photo!!! I see you are using a larger shadow on the frame, which is perfectly accurate since it is likely thicker than papers. You are getting that reflex now!

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Hi Cassel and friends.  My Day 6 project. Busy bees. I couldn't resist using these photos of George when he decided to help with the Christmas decorations and the handles on the bag looped over his head.  I just used a selection of papers and elements for this one.
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I just wanted to say Here


thank you CASSEL because of you I am doing it, I have a hobby and my brain is having fun and exercising.


Ill miss everyone here, but maybe they will come to the next block or Module that's where I am, yippee but I am only getting


there because of you Cassel thank you. bye everyone I moved up

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Hi Cassel,


I have resized photo as suggested.  Also I thought it needed something extra so have added a few more elements.


I have enjoyed these lessons so will now continue on with the last of Basic Scrap Course 1.


Thanks for your suggestions.





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Hi Cassel & everyone,


I would love to post my day 7 project, that I finished around 4 hrs ago, but my computer crashed. My computer was in the process of saving it as the pspimage, so thankfully it did save that, but now I can't open it to resize it and save it as a jpg. I've been trying for hours now to get it open, but it's just not happening yet. I was able to open a different project, but not that one. It's even taking forever for PSP to even open in the first place. I've shut down, re-started, etc multiple times, but I think I just need to give my computer a break....haha. I may have to completely re-do the project.  :(


But let this be a warning to everyone else, if you are at all like me when you are concentrating on your project, to remember to save as you go, instead of waiting until the end. Even though it did save before completely crashing, something happened, so even saving as I might not have helped, but still, it's a good reminder.


Anyway, I'll try later to re-open it, after letting my computer sit for awhile.

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Hi friends,


Finally I got to work on and complete Day 5.  It took a couple of tries.  I enjoy this work very much and want to continue as time allows.   I made a page of a trip to NYC where I met up with my daughter.  Good memories.


Can we finish this tutorial at our own pace or is there a time limit?  I ask because my house will be full in a couple of days with Lemon and her family visiting.  I will have to manage my time well.


Thanks for your excellent tutorials, I jump back and forth between your lessons and my work and find that every word you say is something to pay attention to.  You take us in incremental steps, so helpful!

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Congratulations to our Bootcamp winners:


Peggy - a license for PaintShop Pro 2020


Cyndi - 2 months of the DIAMOND membership


Jnet - $25 coupon for the Creation Cassel store


I was blown away (and still am) by all the projects posted, all the enthusiasm shown and the encouragement seen in this thread, which is probably the longest thread of the forum. That is all thanks to you all!


Great job everyone!

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Hi Cassel & everyone,


Well, I was never able to open my original day 7 project, so I had to re-do it, and here it is. I have a ticket open with Corel and I'm kind of hoping they just provide me with a new link, so that I can uninstall & reinstall. Anyway....


I was originally going to showcase a pic that did show concentration, but when I saw that the kit was hot air balloons, I had to do this one. 10 yrs ago, I attended the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta and was lucky enough to not only be on a chase crew, but I got to go up in a balloon! It was exhilarating!  :)  This pic was taken from the sky, in the balloon.


One of the things that I'm so glad I learned from the day 6 class was the use of the magic wand tool. In the hot air balloon kit, the frame I used had diagonal stripes. I felt it took away from the actual pic, and I wanted a different color frame. So I used the magic wand tool to replace the color of the frame. 


One thing I did not do was remove the date from the pic. I was going to search for a way to remove the date stamp, but since I wanted the page to show when the event took place, I decided to keep the date stamp on there.


I really really enjoyed this bootcamp and I learned so much! I've enjoyed looking at all the projects everyone else submitted too. :)


Cassel, I have to say that your teaching is top notch and I'm so thankful for your tutorials. I still have so much to learn, but I feel really good with what I've learned so far. For me, I think the most important thing to learn was how to use the layers. Sidenote: I need to learn about the sub-layers that I've seen in other tutorials, because I don't understand those.


Anyway, when I signed up for this bootcamp, I wasn't originally interested in scrapbooking, I really only wanted to learn about how to use PSP. BUT, I am now all in on scrapbooking!  :)  In fact, I think once I become a little more comfortable with PSP & learn some new things, I'm going to start designing papers, elements, kits, etc and open an Etsy store.  :)


I've always loved graphics and I think I might have found my niche. :)  Or at least, I hope so.


Sorry for the long post, but I'm just really excited for all I've learned, all I'm going to learn, and continuing to grow this new passion.  :)

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In the frist place: THANKS TO YOU Cassel!


It was fun and a pleasure to be in this bootcamp.


Congratulations to the winners of the prices, I hope You enjoy it and keep on  working with PSP!


Other thans the tips and tricks of the lessons,  it was  a course for writing and  to read English ... FUN!!!


Greatings to all of You!



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