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Bootcamp - January 2020


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Hi You all, Omg Cassle I got in bc2 I know you can see what a mess I did but to me Oh my gosh I think I am the bomb lol NOT I really was deep in layers its to late for me to be doing this but I hate to be behind so I just kept on. Ill do better I just wanted to catch up so bad. Cassel your awesome, if I was you ild pull my hair out by all my help me messages .

the rose on the plate is for You... and Big cyber hugs going to sleep. I didnt do like my lession I tried but then just went all freelance to try to get it done but You said we can always go back so I Promise I am going to get it the way you showed on your video I just didnt want to be last behind. thank You

this is fun Oh man did I need some fun we have 24 people now who died from this new flu in arkansa

so scared my grandsons sick :( hes the sweetest lil boy Love reading you guys messages your all so cool. ok night got to get some zzzs in. 2 hrs till sunup zzzz

the hot coco has mashmellos and the bread is that 9 grain with pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and seasme seeds ect lol

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Hallo ik gebruik al meerdere jaren PSP voor fotobewerking.


Het is een heel fijn programma, maar ik kan steeds iets bijleren of opnieuw oefenen ...


Hi,I'm using PSP since many years to develop (?) my foto's.


I love this program, buth I can always learn something  new things ore practice again.



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Cindy, there is no kit for joining the FB group (as far as I know). There will be a freebie link on the Bootcamp page though.


I am still missing over 100 sandwiches. Come on! I LOVE to see all those lunches and most of all, every story makes me smile. Even if someone is "late", you can still join. It is always time for lunch!

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Boot Camp Day 1

I am using the light grey for background and tool pallets. I have the standard, tools, and status toolbars open. As far as the pallets I have the layers, materials, and the tool options. I am sending my 600x600 pixels picture of my newborn grandson.

Thanks Cassel for your guidance!

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Hi Friends,


Carole, thank you for your email.  Your instructions are so clear and detailed... thanks a million!


My sandwich is open faced with a pickle on top!  Trying to watch my carbs.


Today was a sketching day.  I go to the Garden of the Gods  Colorado Springs, CO and practice sketching,


Had a nice hike as well since the weather was good.

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Dorothy, I am not 100% sure what you are referring to when you mentioned but is it possible that you had the "Home" tab active? That is what opens by default. If you want to skip that page in the future and go to the Edit tab, you can go to File > Preferences > General Program Preferences and on the left, click on Tabs, then on the right pane, click the button for Set Edit as Default. From this point on, whenever you start your PSP, you will go to the Edit tab. As for your lunch, it is interesting that you added a side order of fries. That is quite tempting!


Henry, trial and error is a great way to explore PSP and its functionalities. I have discovered a lot through trial and error! And you ended up with a great sandwich. I hope you had fun too.


Gwen, it looks like you changed the color of the dishes. That is great!


Cindy, you are more than welcome. I have built this whole site to help PSP users, and if I can help you, that is all I want. And thank you for your compliments and rose. And "Pour Cindy" is French from Jnet meaning "For Cindy".


Welcome Lydia. Looking forward to seeing all of your projects. On your first layout, have you considered using black shadows instead of white? It will probably give more of a 3D effect.


Jnet, I think you might have used a shadow offset a bit too large for the string. It should be flat on the paper (except on the ends if you wanted) so the offset should be little (max of 10). See if that can be adjusted?


Inam, your shadows are good. However, if you look at the layering of your elements, would it really make sense to have a string on top of a flower? Without changing anything else, you can just rearrange the layers to "move" the string (and its shadow) under the flowers. Because of the obvious pattern of the background, you might want to have the title in a thicker font, so it would be easier to read (same for the text under the photo). But it is up to you to know how it looks in full size (since we only have a resized version). It might look different.


Karon, that is a fun layout. Since the letters of the title and the background are similar in color, you might want to consider a more obvious shadow to make the title stand out. Glad to see that you already showcased the photo you had chosen right from the start.


Sally, looking forward to seeing your grandson's photo on a full page! Good looking sandwich!


Aletha, if you don't like green, not a problem. After all, you are the artist when creating those pages. I see you added shadows to all the elements, but you also added a bevel to some elements that didn't really need any even though it gives a different look. I find that the bevel on the flowers makes them look like sugar (OK maybe I am hungry!).


Peggy, lovely photo. I love those embellishments. Did you use a kit? Do you have the reference to what kit it is? If you were to use a dark solid color for the title, it would be easier to read (no need to have a stroke around it).


Hi Lyn. Welcome to the Bootcamp. You mention you are from Australia. I hope you are safe from all those forest fires?


Liese, you are welcome. I agree with you that an open sandwich can be good. I tend to take my hot chicken sandwiches like that too. When you mention sketching, are you talking about drawing? If so, will you show us some of your sketches?


Still waiting for more lurkers to post something :)







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Bootcamp Day 3:


I had done this first one last week in PSP 9 . Puppy picture was when we bought her in September. The nest one is for our Christmas 2019 scrapbook .  I did this one in PSP2020. Quite a big change in vector text and took me more than one look at your video to figure it out.


Thanks for explaining what was wrong with day 1 setting up. I will do as you suggested first thing tomorrow.


I am tied up with doctors tomorrow. You all have a better day than I will.



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This page is made from an image of my eldest grandson and his new step-daughter going to her first "Father and Daughter'sDance." I isolated them from a driveway background and placed them in a more appropriate location for such an auspicious ocasion. I darkened up the background to make it appear later as the dance was in the evening and strew rose petals along the path. I didn't know how to depict the sparkle in her eye. I love this photo!



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Toch een opfrissing van de mogelijkheden van PSP na een cursus in België enkele jaren geleden!


Again learning (remembering ...) the trics and short cuts in PSP.


* duplicate text before converting to raster


* rotate perfectly 90° your layer


* EXIT: repait the last commando




I used first white for the shadows and the second time black, as you said.


Buth my preference is white, because black is not in contrast with  the brown around the foto of the 'lion-girl' on the right. Doesn't black makes the lay-out heavy ... ?

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