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Bootcamp - January 2020


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I pretty much stuck with the original sandwich, just adding mayo, mustard and cheese. I did change the color of the tableware (and added a bevel). When I added the napkin, I realized I would need a tablecloth as well. Have been looking at everyone else's tables and am impressed with the variety each has brought to the "table."
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yikes  ok  understand the sleeping   we all need that lol




please help me  I still cant get into the bootcamp link??? where is it?




please help me


got your mails, every time i log in it just stays on that page... i dont go to the bootcamp


please check my settings.   why cant we have a link on the page that takes us there like for the other things?    IDK i just want to get there I never


finished video bootcamp 1 because a email side tracked me then the link never loaded like now :(

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I have clicked the link 8 times it just lands me on the same page where i enter my password to log in but i am already logging into the site????




where is the bootcamp?   i havent got 1st lesson done well half way but i got detoured by a email then lost all my pages   I enter password and land back on this page

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Cassel thank you for helping me I am back now I understand now its a special password to get in I was using my password.    Ok  nuff on that  but thank YOU


I got in but the page has changed Yesterday was 2 videos i watched the first one the one that's there now, but the 2nd one about moving the files in case ever there's a problem with the program itself you don't loose all your good stuff.  OMG thats so smart!   But i never got thru it i got side tracked...    In my dumb defense  My Grandson is sick home from school, my hot water broke no hot water and my internet due to the weather goes in and out  and my brothers giving me fits.     so I am sorry thats all got to me.







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Wow, you people have already posted your Day 2 pics.  Am I behind already?  lol


I am also right-handed so I turned the cup around to face the right.  I am not so fond of onion on my sandwiches so I removed them, otherwise it is the original sandwich, just slightly rearranged.  The first time I saved it I let the system save it as a png file then I discovered that I had lost the layers.  The second time I saved it I found the .PSPIMGE format and updated the size to 600.  This looks better.  For posting I used the .png file though (which doesn't show the change to the cup handle).

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Day 2 Lesson:


I don't like onions or Pickles, so didn't put them on, did put me some Mayo, hard to tell.


Turned my cup to right handed & relined Items.




Added table cloth.


3D My silverware, Cup & Plate.


Added drink in my cup.


Dropped shadow on all.


Resize to 600 pixels

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Jnet, juste comme une nappe de pique-nique!


Karon, nice sandwich, and it is a good idea with the napkin, especially with that extra mayo and mustard!


Cindy, glad you got in. I'll make it clearer in the future what password is to be used. You might not be the only one confused by it; just the only one who said so!


Leslie, some people were just on an earlier timezone (and more hungry). You now learned to ALWAYS save at least one copy in .pspimage format, in order to keep the layers, which allows you to make further changes later.


Trudie, it is ok to just want the regular sandwich!


Inam, I am originally from Montreal and my daughter studied and lived in Ottawa for a few year. Now, she moved to Fredericton, and my mom passed away, so I don't have as many opportunities to go to Montreal/Ottawa. But if I go, I'll get in touch with you! :)


Aletha, you have a nice set of dishes and I love your tablecloth! Adding shadows and bevel really add a stunning effect. I will address shadows in the first project for the newcomers, but obviously, you are already familiar with those!


Peggy, Swiss cheese is a great idea! Better not spill any tea as you don't have a saucer!



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Hi I am so sorry for all my confusion:  OMG    deep breaths  I want to do this so bad like my calgone wink.


Ok  I must of not even been on the right page to start I was here moving files and making directories OMG


got in made my tools the one with the clone brush and magic laso and all that  it was on the left side,  but now i clicked somthing and it gone... how do I get the tools bar down the side to come back?


still on lesson one  since its not the one I was doing last night when I got the email :(        So wanting to learn this


Cassel thank you for your patience please dont leave me.



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Well, I hope I have this right... I did my table setting and my sandwich.  I am quite overweight so naturally I had to add a bit more.  Like 2 slices of bacon, 1 slice of cheese and...just a little mushrooms in a brown gravy.  Feeling guilty as all get-out I patted myself on the back by leaving off the top bread and making it an open-faced sandwich, we must watch our calories.




p.s.  It's a bit fuzzy, but I'm learning.

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Cindy, I am not leaving ANYONE without help. You can ask all the long-time members in here, that is what I do: I guide everyone who wants help, answer any question to the best of my abilities, and will find a way to help. For your toolbar, what would happen if you double-click on it? Sometimes, it helps to snap it in place.


Diana, that is quite a sandwich. And I see that it didn't even make it to the plate. You must have eaten it before reaching the table! :) (and remember, that is a zero-calorie sandwich so go ahead; have another one if you are still hungry!)

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on my psp 2020 under user interface I put it on light grey and white,  and lost my toolbar touching somthing it closed I ant find out to open it.  and here's a pic I kiped just now and put it to 600 pixels




its my nephews hand its 600 i think :)            Cassel can I have that link though so I can finish what I thought was bootcamp1.

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Bootcamp Day 1


My first page was not like your but had a bunch of offers, tutorials equaling about 8 pictures full.  Today I replayed the video and played with that page. I must have touched on something because it changed to the black page but I had to use the slider to get to the black page you showed.  I think it is fixed?

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Bootcamp Day 2:


This was a fun one.  I love layers!!


Diabetic Dream lunch- doctor approved :)


Bread     - lightly toasted                               Lettuce - 4  and 2 of them color changed


Pickle    -  1                                                       Side order = small fry


Onions  - deleted                                            Meat - deleted


Tomatoes - 4 with color fixed                   Side Order -  small fries



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