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Color Correction in 2019


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My computer crashed and forced me to get a new (windows 10) computer. I've been using PSP9 for 10+ years, but it won't even install on windows 10. So I broke in and bought PSP 2019 only to find that one of my most used tools is no where in sight, the manual color correction tool. I used this tool sooo often to quickly recolor greyscale items to a single color without having to mess with sliding bars and color guessing. So now I'm looking for a way to quickly recolor greyscale items that doesn't involve just playing with settings until I happen to stumble upon the right color combination.


Any and all help is much appreciated!



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I think that even if you manage to install the old PSP9 on your W10, at any point, a future update can break it again.


As for the color correction command, are you talking about the Manual Color Correction that was under Adjust > Color Balance? If so, it is not gone; it is just hidden. You can retrieve it by going to View > Customize and on the Commands tab, click on the Unused Commands and then scroll down on the right pane until you find it. Click on it, and drag it where you want it, and you will have that command back at your fingertips.


That is how you can retrieve any command that seems to have gone missing over some versions.

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Robert - Thanks for the tip! I'm very new to windows 10 and didn't know about the comparability mode. Unfortunately,  it still wouldn't install for me.


Cassel - Yes, that is what I was talking about! Thanks to you I did find it. Thank you! It wasn't where you thought it was. I had to right click on the toolbar and click on customize to get the command tab, but I found it and am very happy!!


Thank you both so much for your help! Happy PSP'ing! :)

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