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Creative Scrap Lessons


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I noticed some of the links to lessons for the Creative Scrap Lessons are no longer valid (I have downloaded most of the pdfs but now some of the lessons no longer have a link to the videos which sometimes have details the pdfs lack).  Are the links going to be restored?  Or are those lessons going to disappear?  Or are those lessons going to be incorporated into the Lab over time?  Thank you for any clarification.  Dianne
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Oh really? Can you point me to those links? they are not supposed to be removed, even though i like the idea of re-incorporating some of them into The Lab for future lab students. But if you were subscribed to the Element/Creative scraps, you should have those access maintained.


If you can let me know which links are not working, i'll get them fixed.



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I'm still checking the links but I have something else I need to attend to right now.  Here's a starter list of lessons for which I no longer have a link to the video or pdfs:


Plaid Paper (1)

Gingham Pattern

Eyelet Fabric

Polkadot Pattern

Plaid Paper (2)


Decorative Border

Decorative Border (2)


Bar Code


Metallic Element


Dymo Tape


Wax Seal

Bobby Pin

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OK, first, i hid that long post for easier reading.


Second, you are referring to the links to the classes on the right side, correct?


If so, i guess i had not updated it anyways and it is missing a lot of tutorials in the list. I had an issue with that list when the site was moved, and i just didn't double-check it as i didn't think you were using it.


I can fix that in the future.


Thanks for pointing that out!


(in the mean time, can you use the preview links?)



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No, the first list are the links from the preview photos:


Plaid Paper (1)

Gingham Pattern

Eyelet Fabric

Polkadot Pattern

Plaid Paper (2)


Decorative Border

Decorative Border (2)


Bar Code


Metallic Element


Dymo Tape


Wax Seal

Bobby Pin


The links to the index are a separate issue.


Thank you for hiding the long message.    I tried to edit and the edit function led me to the blog.  I'm having quite a day.

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Hum... ok. Those links work fine for me, so maybe there was a bug somewhere.


What do you get when you click on those links? Do you get a 404 error or a different message?


As for the edit function, yeah, me too, i was redirected to the blog. No idea why, but something else to check.

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When I click on some of the preview links (not all; remember there are many that go to the tutorials), I am sent to: https://scrapbookcampus.com/membership-options/?_s2member_vars=page..level..1..page..1535..L2VsZW1lbnQtY3JlYXRpb24taW5kZXgvYWdlZC1waG90by8%3D&_s2member_sig=1442081661-0173645e17577482075e0da6fd936be7


This is different from where I end up when I click on the index.


Are we having fun yet?  Am I the only one having this issue?

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Well, that's a good thing that I'm the only one impacted.  I don't have a particular need for those tutorials right now so I can be patient. This is down on my list that now includes an email provider that no longer works, a bank account I can't seem to access online this weekend, and some garbage cans a neighbor thoughtfully pushed over for no good reason that I can determine.  It's just one of those days.
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