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Making Gradients Backward compatible???

Rose Fischer

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I created some gradients to share the other night but I forgot to load my older version to make them useful to as many people as possible.  Is there a way to make them work in the older versions?


Alternatively, Cassel, could you do a script to quickly fill several documents with different gradients? Or is there one already that might work for it? Then I could at least share .JPG overlays.

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Is there a way to make them work in the older versions?

From which version to which have you tried? I have never tried so I can check that out.

Alternatively, Cassel, could you do a script to quickly fill several documents with different gradients? Or is there one already that might work for it? Then I could at least share .JPG overlays.

Could you clarify what you mean? would it be to display them like a set of papers placed side by side, or making individual pages, each with a single different gradient? My guess is that either one would be possible, but I would need to know a bit better what is the end result and such.

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Thanks! I made them in 2018 but they wouldn't read in X5, which is the oldest version I still currently running.


The end result would be a set of individual gradient papers, where one gradient is by itself on a layer that I can save as .jpg.  It would be super helpful in general since I use a lot of gradient layers in my papers and could then share the gradients regardless of program.  :)

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First off, I am a bit puzzled that a gradient created in 2018 would not open in previous versions. I just tried having set my compatibility to X8-2018 (so not backward compatible) and it opens even in my old JASC PSP9. What error are you getting?
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They're just not appearing in my list of available gradients when I open X5.  It's like X5 doesn't read them at all.  I did double check my file locations to make sure it was the right folder in both versions, but let me go look in the folders to find the gradient files. I get confused sometimes having file paths for 3 different versions on my hard drive lol.
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I never did anything special. I have PSP9 installed on 3 different computers using Windows 7 and they all work fine (i even have PSP8 too, but it is pickier in one installation).


As for the gradients, you checked the file location for your X5 to find the gradients from 2018 I assume, but just in case, did you check where the PSP2018 does save those supplies? Maybe they are not saved where you think, and since 2018 can read its own supplies without thinking about it, an accidental change could have happened that would not affect 2018 itself, but only the other versions trying to find them?


Check that and let me know if there is something there.

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LOL, well I've tried it several times on this one, and it gets 2/3 of the way through the load and just freezes.  But I will try again when I get a new computer.  Who knows?




Anyway, if you ever happen to try that script for turning gradients into raster layers for overlays, I would still be interested.  It's tedious when you have 30 or so gradient files and all you want to do is make jpg of them.

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