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How to fix Image Properties in 2018?

Margaret Newcomb

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I'm having this issue in my image properties. From the toolbar-Using the Image>Image Information button to view the properties...


When I export an image as a JPEG file-the image properties show the 300 pixels per inch.


When I export an image as a PNG file-the image properties show up as cm instead of pixels per inch, it will read> 118.110cm


How can I get the png files to show up as 300 ppi as it does for my jpeg files??  


Any help on this is greatly appreciated.

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OK. I did some checking on my end, and it looks like it is not a bug but just an oddity of PSP. It is the same in version X9 and i even tested in version 9 (the old JASC version) and it is still exactly the same thing. My guess is that it is just an oddity that either was never reported or was not considered important enough to "fix". As Eileen stated, 118 pixels/cm is the same thing as 300 pixel/inch so at least it is the same value.
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I appreciate you and eileen looking into it for me. I do know that it is the same measure but I just don't understand why it does that. It seems to me there should be some setting or something one could change to fix it.  I consider it to be a glitch.  It's just so much easier if the units of measurements stayed the same.  I do have some graphics with different cm readings as well and I have to use an online converter to get the actual ppi.  It's kind of a pain in the butt, I think.  I guess if there is no fix I just have to accept it. Thanks a bunch to both of you!
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I never uderstood why it is like this. I have pspX2 and X8 and it is like this in both. Sometimes when I am creating the image, before saving it, it says 300dpi and than after reopening it, it says 118.110cm. It happens with jpg and png images both.


Even with some images I do loose some pixels after saving it. Like some papers that have only 299.99 pixels after reopening. If I do make it 300 again it will loose some pixels after and impossible to get that image to keep the 300 dpi. So I do have to paste it on a new image.

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Hi Eileen! Yes, I've seen the same thing as well, losing the 1 pixel. Very weird.  Well, now I've decided to go through my file folders and check files that show up in cm. Then I go and batch rename them with 300ppi on the end. That will prevent me from having to check each one weeks and months down the road. The only problem is, I have loads and loads of graphic designs to go through. That's why I called it a pain in the butt.


Hopefully, in some future version they will do something about that units of measure thing. Til then we just have to work around it.


Thanks a bunch for your input. You have a beautiful rest of the day!

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One thing to remember is that the resolution only matters when you are referring to displaying the image. In fact, 1000 pixels is still 1000 pixels whether the resolution is 300, or 299 or even 72 ppi when you are working on it.


Also, the difference between 299.99 and 300 would be so minimal that it really isn't worth the time to change everything, especially if at any point the unit changes from inches to cm and back to inches.


Read  more about it: https://scrapbookcampus.com/2014/05/what-is-your-image-resolution/

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yes that is true, I do not take the time to fix them all, but as I'm selling my kits all needs to be 300 dpi. So I just check (use your script to check all and if it is missing just that bit of a resolution it is corrected by the script) After I don't look at it anymore. Takes to much time for not much.




Great article by the way

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