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Brushes from previous versions plus file overlap plus possible duplication headaches


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In the other thread on Travel Tales LO, Sue told me to use Marble 2. I remember that brush, but it didn’t make it over to PSP 2022 when I upgraded! I distinctly remember spending a couple days getting everything moved over, so I don’t see how this is possible, but it is. ?

I took a screen shot of my brushes from the File — preferences. What would happen if I went to each location, selected all, and just added them in one fell swoop to PSP 2023 using copy and paste? Would I get double entires, or would file manager pop up and ask me if I wanted to skip or overwrite the files? I would expect File Manager to catch them all, but I always have a pop up when I use my brushes that tells me of duplicates I have, so maybe File Manager is not on duty!

Or maybe I should just ask what the easiest way to do it because those Marble 1-4 brushes are not the only brushes that didn’t make the transfer. I have no idea how that could have happened. I spent hour and hours and hours searching for resources in all my computer’s nook and crannies over the curse of several days.

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As I am checking the location of my Marble brushes, they are from Corel PSP X. I have not found it in any other version. Maybe you had a much older version of PSP that you have deleted?

When you talk about "transfer", you might be talking about moving the files from one folder to a different location. That is one way to do it, but then if you moved files from 2019 to 2022, then, 2019 would be "missing" those files. Another option is simply to point your current version of PSP to the matching folders in older versions as some supplies might or might not be in both locations.

Yet, another option would be to gather all those supplies into a folder outside of PSP so you can get all that is in several versions, and point all the versions to that folder.

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You don’t remember? LOL!   ?.  I’m sorry, I didn’t include all the info.
I came from X2 which I used for many years. All my brushes from the Dozi Bear era were in there. Plus whatever came with version X4 which I own, but barely ever used. Marbles 1-4 are in both X2 and X4, but never made it to my new 2022.

All versions point to my personal PSP files under my  name,  but they also point to other places. My idea is to go to those other places in X2 and X4, find the Marbles 1-4, and collect ALL the brushes in that folder, whatever it is. And put them in my personal PSP files. Where some of them may already reside. Hence the question on duplicates and how big a problem that is.




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The main "issue" you will see is that PSP will notice there are duplicates and will warn you that one of them might no longer work (it likely assumes that they would be different files using the same name) but that would not be a problem if they are really the same files.

Interestingly, I did a search on my computer and I only found that brush in my PSP 8, 9, and X (and I have all the versions since).

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Ok. I’m going to try it. Fingers crossed. A big project like this is not what I was hoping for today/tomorrow. I need chocolate!

I know I had Dozi Baer (not Dozi Bear, which is what I thought it was) brushes. And a fair number of them, but they are not in PSP. I’ll have to look for them and if unsuccessful, I’ll ask Donna how to use the Wayback machine. 


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Cassel, I just found my old PSP 7 and PSP 8 files, including brushes. I'm still looking for Marble2.

Unfortunately, all these brushes are by number, only. Does Marbe2 have a number from back in the JASC days?



PSP8 brushes.jpg

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Yes. You said your Marble2 was only in PSP 8, 9 and  X.

I found only 7 & 8 files, but they have a jbr extension, so I don’t know which one is Marble2. If any.

I want to remake it to be a larger size, but I don’t know what it looks like except it isn’t square/rect and doesn’t have straight sides which is what I want.


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