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Using Delete key in PSP 2023

Michele Hunold

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30 minutes ago, Michele Hunold said:

I am a total newbie so I'm sure this is something I'm doing wrong. My Delete key doesn't delete! I promote a selection to a new layer, go back to the original layer, hit Delete and nothing happens.

What is the exact version of 2023 you are using? You can find that number under Help > About.

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To start, you have a "buggy" version, and other major bugs will be obvious if you use other commands. The correct version would be The ONLY way to get that correct version, is to uninstall the current version you have and reinstall it. It would then pull the correct patch from the server.

I know that is bad news because it is always annoying to have to uninstall/reinstall.

Once that is done, hopefully, your current issue with the DELETE command should be fixed.

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12 minutes ago, Michele Hunold said:

I had noticed that the scripts weren't quite "right" but just thought it was me not being very experienced running scripts.

Some scripts were not so bad, but one thing that was missing was all the dialog windows, which meant that you had no more options to choose colors, text, etc. which is much of my signature: giving options to users.

Right now, if any script seems "not quite right", reach out so I can help. And in some rare cases, (like for the it could be a sign of a major bug! So I appreciate such reports!

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I had been following this post as I had upgraded to 2023 as soon as it was released and had the .28 version.

I have now reinstalled my copy of 2023 and find it is an even later version

I thought that regular checking for updates would load the latest version but appears not to

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3 hours ago, James Durrant said:

I had been following this post as I had upgraded to 2023 as soon as it was released and had the .28 version.

I have now reinstalled my copy of 2023 and find it is an even later version

I thought that regular checking for updates would load the latest version but appears not to

That version "47" is related to the trial version. We were quite puzzled when we found out that someone had that version. It seems like it is from February (or March) and refers to the files downloaded recently.

The checking of version actually checks for the PATCH number, which is the number "1", so if PSP goes from "0" to "1" or "1" to "2", that will appear, but the last number indicates the "instance" of the patch (I am not sure what the "0" here is for though, maybe just another in-between, if needed?)

In any cases, you should be good to go now.

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