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Newsletter chitchat - May 16


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I used to make things for my parents years ago and still like crafts.  Recently I have been making bug hotels from tin cans. It's fairly time consuming but I could imagine they would appeal to kids as they are a bit cartoon like.

Method, clean soup or vegetable tin cans. Need one tin and two ring pull lids per bee. Coat with acrylic primer on outside before using acrylic paint for decoration. Stick wings onto body by the ring pulls using hot glue gun (adult only!) Loop thin fishing line around tin and hot glue in place. Stuff inside the can with anything waterproof that insects like to live in. I used some old organic mattress filling and pine cones. Hang outside. The thin fishing line means they swing around in the breeze as if they are flying. (Probably makes the resident insects giddy).



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Unfortunately I do no more have examples of crafts I did for my parents decades before... But I add a few pictures of ones children do often during the advent season but not only  in an educational institution (House of the Family) where I work. There are many activities and craft workshops/courses  for young children too and it's a joy to see their sparkling eyes.






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