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How to upgrade/download WITHOUT losing current

Margaret Newcomb

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Can anyone tell me: if I can purchase an upgrade to my current psp ultimate (the download/not boxed) & install it WITHOUT affecting or over-riding my current version? I purchased this way in the past & was told by corel that I had to un-install the old to install the new (long time ago). Is that the only way?
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Hi Margaret. Each version of PSP is installed independently. I have no less than 14 versions installed, and I often have 2 or 3 versions RUNNING at the same time. The only time you have to uninstall before reinstalling is if you have downloaded a TRIAL, and purchased it after, because the trial version typically only includes the 64-bit version, while you need to download a "full" version to include the 32-bit too. As far as I know, it is the only situation where you would have to uninstall first.
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Oh, Yeah, I can’t remember how I did it the year that happened. Maybe I had done it from first trying the trial. Usually, I do purchase the boxed but a couple times I have not.


Thank you so much for responding so quickly with that information! It’s amazing to me that you have all of those versions installed. Your computer system must be awesome.


Thank you! Have a beautiful day Cassel.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi  I am glad I read this because I had same questions,  But I have 3 versions each time wanting to do better or something what am I thinking? IDK   I cant do any better on any one, but sticking in the 2022 trying to learn.  I am so still on babysteps I just leave them all but move over my scripts and images.  that's hard to moving them all when you go to a upgrade.    Teacher or do you have to move them  I think now just change the path?  so much IDK  glad we have our Teacher.
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Cindy, when you have supplies from one version and you want to use it in the next version, there are two ways:


File > Import > Content From previous version


That will work for content from the last 3 versions.


The other way is if you have all your supplies in ONE location, outside of the Corel folders. Then you can simply go to File > Preferences > File location and for each of the supplies, you tell PSP where they are in.

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