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Peggy Dyar

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  1. I am registered for the workshop (just registered today), but the link above does not work to get me into the workshop. I've tried my regular browser (Brave) and also Firefox, but cannot get in. (Help??) Thanks
  2. @Cristina - I love this -- the letters really "jump" off the page.
  3. @kasanyShe seems to at least like sitting in the driver's seat Pretending to drive! She cracks me up (she also has to "inspect" the water running into the toilet tank as if she's making sure all the parts are working correctly. I have to say - she entertains herself pretty good (I'm just here to move the car seat forward and take the lid off of and put it back on the tank). Oh yeah - and for food :-)LOVE Her.
  4. (I admit, I'm obsessed with my cat! I rescued her when she was just 1 lb. We've come a long way) My idea came after seeing her sitting in my car night after night -- the photo is NOT mine - but this cat looks just like Adira!! Amazingly, my car looks just like this car! I got a lot of images from Creative Fabrica and the background from Vecteezy (attribution to: <a href="https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/road-background">Road Background Vectors by Vecteezy</a>)
  5. @MoniqeN - it will surely brighten their day! I love it.
  6. For Card 5 I chose a couple of my own pictures to create an invitation to a Nature Walk. The ribbon was created from the same photo as the butterfly, changing the opacity.
  7. Finally got to #4 - this took some time; I had a rough time getting the punches to work correctly. VERY interesting.
  8. @kasany - I Love the teddy bear card. What font did you use? That is so unique!! Love it
  9. I am days behind but enjoyed putting this together. I see today it's not 'unique', but good to know I'm not so far out there with the idea :-0 I can't wait to get some time to go through all the posts and see what everyone has come up with. I've seen a lot of inspiring ideas in the short time I've had to check them out.
  10. For my 2nd card, I created one for my sister (her birthday is in July and she lives in flip-flops)! This class worked very well for me to create a unique card that celebrates her ultimate desire to live near the ocean on an island somewhere. I chose a photo from Pixabay by Kanenori user_id:4749850. The tips in this lesson are going to come in very handy! I learned a lot and will be practicing these for awhile until I can do them without instruction!! VERY good class. Thank you.
  11. Just getting started with the week! I used a photo background, then used Posterize to change the lower background; adding a Selective Focus to the resulting image. This allowed me to focus solely on the ornament, while still keeping the main concept of the tree. for the Scallop, I added in inner blend which created a shadow to create a "depth" that I like to see when I make my 3-D cards. I used random noise in monochrome to create the texture for the scalloped section. For the ribbon, I used a gradient at 45% that used colors from the original photo; added the star (from Digital Scrapbook). Then copied the scallop/ribbon/brad and placed it on the opposite side of the card. Merry Christmas in white at the bottom finished it off.
  12. My current rescue kitten is Adira. Rescued from a very dirty and hostile animal "shelter". She'd not been properly weened, was caged with cats with massive infections - ear mites, eye infections, open wounds, and more. She weighed 1.1 lbs when I got her - we cleared up most issues within the first 3 months AND gave her the only home she will ever know. This is OUR forever home. Here she is at 1.5 lbs three months after her rescue. Her name Adira means "Strong", since she needed to be to overcome her beginnings. She's now 1 1/2 years and 7 pounds of active, intelligent, crazy Bengal Kitten madness. Previously I had an all-black rescue I named Margo Polo because she was always looking for a new adventure. When I first got her, she could not use her back legs; I thought she had a congenital issue or had been injured (the rescue had her for 5 years in a cage, and had no idea she couldn't really walk). With daily "therapy" of playing and massages she started using her back legs to stand, eventually walk, then was running around my apartment with the zoomies fully cat-possessed :-) Unfortunately after having her for 2 years, a vet visit found 8 cancerous lesions on her liver and I decided to euthanize her since her quality of life was quickly degrading. But - during her 2 years of freedom, she made the most of every minute. I had her trained to walk on a leash and she had a 15' lead that allowed her to explore the outdoors. GREAT cat. She found the "new" every place she went. My photo is of Adira at 3 months trying to sneak up on me while I was "reading".
  13. Cassel: I watched your video -- I love the entire book!! Shutterly did a great job on the printing, too. Your idea for "maybe I'll be a..." was so cute! I used to photograph nature around my property in northern Illinois. The 2 acres backed up to a 120 acre wooded area, so I saw LOTS of nature! I included my cats in most of the pictures and had Shutterfly make the book. It came out really nicely (like yours) and it's held up nicely for at least 10 years. Family comes and we reminisce about those days and pictures. I've also gotten coffee mugs, mouse pads and calendars printed. PSP makes layout for any item so easy and Shutterfly turns that work into works of art!
  14. Got into a partnership to build a house and started in 1998...in 2001 it was mostly "complete". Until the partner decided to keep adding things. I couldn't sell my share out, so had to stay in the partnership until 2018!! Even at that, he wasn't done. BUT - I will say, I learned a whole lot about building, landscaping, and hardscapes in those 20 years. I still love doing the manual labor. You get so much satisfaction in seeing how well you've done with your own imagination, tools, and hard work. (and while you surely put in a lot of time, I can understand your husband needs stuff to do while you're teaching the rest of us scripting, Scrapbooking and PaintShop Pro intricacies.) GREAT idea making your own...even if it is 20 years later!!!
  15. Cassel, I think you are absolutely AMAZING!! Those are So Cute!
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