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trish williams

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trish williams last won the day on December 17 2024

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  1. dont know how to paste in challenge, dont know how I even got here
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  2. Happy New Year, may the new year see yoy in good health, and full of Joy |Best Wishes has the format changed Carole, cant post picture
  3. face back intact x
  4. Card 7 Candle picture is a picture of a centre piece for my christmas table
  5. Here is my version of an envelope , I must admit I would need to be hard up, to make one of these again, the layers kept floating , I had trouble cutting it to shape, perhaps there is a simpler method than I used, I dont like using all those nodes, so avoid them, it didnt help with the programme keep freezing, 2022 has been a nightmare to me. I dont know whether to try 2023 or go back to 2021 has anyone any feed back on 2023
  6. Losing Track thinks this is day 6, unfortunately, I had to blot out my Granddaughter's beautiful face, but it's still on my original. After spending a couple of hours making this, I pressed shift /enter by mistake and it completely disappeared and I had to restart, does anyone know where this would have gone too and is it recoverable xx Don't know what Fonts I used on this, there are a few, I usually just write what I need , highlight it and run down the text file till it changes to something I like
  7. Day 5 completed Well done everyone there are so many lovely and different cards on here xx Ive enjoyed making these cards, but its hard work keep resizing elements everytime with these templates being smaller than I usually work on
  8. Day 4 font is Debonair and Faradla Carole I couldnt load the corner punch it wouldnt load
  9. Suzy try this ifont/holidaymeladine its free on this site. good luck if it doesnt work I have this font but it has a different name, Ill try to find it, but I have so many fonts I get lost looking, so let me know if ifnt is any good xx
  10. Chrine try this one it is free, I have this font but its under a different name, Ill d search tomorrow to see if I can find it, but I have so many I get lost lookin let me know if this works
  11. Day 3 Merry Christmas x
  12. Out of Order Template 2 x
  13. Template 3
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