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Jnet Allard

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Posts posted by Jnet Allard

  1. Corrie, very colorful and pretty. I love the addition of the colored buttons at the bottom.


    Sue, beautiful! I love what you have and how lucky you are to be able to approach them that way.


    Sandra, pretty photos, pretty spring colors


    Barbara, nice sports page, I like the way to place your elements

  2. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!


    in two days of absence, lots of new layouts were added! Bravo to all of you! It's so beautiful!


    Carole, yes it was a superposition, I forgot to write it down. There were too many people around Nathan that I had to hide ;-)


    Here are my days 6 and 7. I loved the linoleum paper. For the 7, I added a second mask (which I made) on the one in the lesson. I also made the left border with the first mask. Thank you Carole for this beautiful LoveStory. I wonder every February if I participate and believe me I do not regret it. What a great way to remind us of what you teach us.


    Nathan will be 15 on May 17th


    Text on day 7: He approves his cake with his thumb



  3. Another day with lots of new layouts! Well done everyone! I too had forgotten a lot of things about the masks. I'm going to have to get to work making my own masks now.


    Thanks Carole for the backup instructions and thanks for those who highlighted my work. It's very appreciated!

  4. I just looked at everything that happened after my submission yesterday and these are all great pages! Well done everyone! My day 4 with Nathan who is celebrating his 2 years.


    Thank you for everyone's kind words on my pages


    Now I have to figure out how to save this mask. Carole, my psp spends its time freezing, do you know what i can do to stop this? I have to close and reopen every time this happens

  5. Many new pages have appeared since my posting yesterday especially since I was still thinking of myself in the first page when I posted. I won't post for all new pages but I want to say that you all did a great job! The subjects are varied and some remind me of things that I have had or that I have experienced.


    Thank you Carole for your word, I liked redoing the kaleidoscope paper tutorial. It is very well explained and made me understand how to adjust the corners


    Here is my day 3 always with my grandson Nathan

  6. Nice Job Lynda, Ann, Anne!


    Yes, Carole, the same theme as you. I wanted to say it yesterday but everything was wrong. Is it your grandson on your pages? and is that he we saw in Sunday's lesson? if so, he has beautiful eyes!


    This is my day 2



  7. <span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Beau travail Minka, Sue et Jennifer!</span></span>


    <span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Voici mon jour 1 avec des photos de Nathan, mon petit-fils et filleul. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Il fera l'objet de mes mises en page lors de cet Amour</span></span>


    Carole, can you give me the parameters to save in jpg with compression? I touched on that yesterday and there I see that my page does not come out as on my computer



  8. Bon matin Carole, j'ai essayé les nouveaux liens 7 - 8 - 9 - 10.  Aucun ne fonctionne avec un clic.  Par contre, en copiant l'adresse dans ma barre de navigation ils fonctionnent - 7 et 8 sont lents à télécharger mais pour 9 et 10 aussitôt que j'appuie sur enter le téléchargement se fait


    Bonne semaine!

  9. Bonjour Carole,


    les liens 2 et 3 ne fonctionnent pas pour moi


    Mais en copiant l'adresse de ses deux liens dans ma barre d'adresse les 2 téléchargements se sont fait automatiquement, en espérant que cela pourra t'aider


    Bonne fin de semaine!



  10. Voici pour moi:  Lac St-Jean, Québec


    C'est plaisant voir les endroits de chacun.  Il y en a certains que je connais étant déjà passée par là.


    Here's to me: Lac St-Jean, Quebec It's nice to see everyone's places. There are some that I know who have been there before.

  11. Thanks Sue, my last pages being completed I haven't used the Twirl, but I definitely will.


    Ann, here's what I do to display a photo in multiple adjacent frames, duplicate it and place it in the next mask group. Bravo for your last pages!

  12. Thanks Sue for the gradient. I did this for the month of October, love it


    Thanks Karon! You too will have a very nice schedule at the end. The show is coming soon, enjoy it!


    Ann, I love the idea of ​​putting photos of your dogs on your pages. They are so cute


    Bravo Sharon, Raymond for your pages!


    Corrie, a little lead for you ... did you check in the resize window if it's okay with the numbers?  600 X 788 you have. If it is not that, Carole will be able to help you it is assured

  13. More beautiful calendar pages have been added. I love everyone's creativity. It's fascinating to see everything that is done with the same start page!


    Thanks Sue for explaining your beautiful background papers. I will try your technique today


    Thank you Karon for your kind comment. Your job is well done. I love all the little items placed on each month. I really like the little wordstrips for May.

  14. I do not name everyone, it would take too long but I must tell you that it is nice to see everything that has been done since my last visit. Everything is fabulous!


    Yes, Carole, I used the colors of the sunset.


    Linda, your calendars are superb.


    Natalie, nice idea to put the calendar in the other direction


    Sue your background for October is beautiful, I really like


    I managed to do my months of April, May, June and July here

  15. Thank you Carole for your comment


    I'm moving, I'm running out of time ... and moreover I have to cross over to my daughter's house at 2 houses to have WiFi in order to download the files and also to post once the work is done. My WiFi problem should be fixed today.


    Once again I am amazed to see everything that has been done since my layout submission, well done everyone.


    Sue, I found that my dates and boxes did not stand out, from there a little bit of shadow ;-)

  16. A big thank you Carole for this new story. I wondered if I had already done it and to my memory I think not. I do not regret my registration because I still learned things there.


    My day 7


    Translated text


    To the beach


    It was before I was twenty. One beautiful sunny day I was at the beach with the one who would become my husband.

    As we sat facing the lake I saw a little child fall face first in water. I waited for him to stand up but he was unable to, I hurried to get him out of there.


    He had already taken a few broths. His mom came behind me to take care of her little one.


    credits:  template and star de Cassel - personal photo - font for doodle

  17. Hello everyone!


    Other nice layouts have been added, it's nice to look at.  With Carole's comments on the page views I was able to get some ideas about your writings.


    Here is the translation of my page 6


    My fears


    As a child, I had fun by tearing the legs of spiders with long common legs without fear. I don't remember when or why they scared me all my life. On the other hand now, I tolerate them and I manage to drive them away when I am alone. If my husband is there, he takes care of it.


    My biggest fear is anything that crawls ... and I know where this fear comes from.


    Around the age of seven or eight, one of my cousins ​​near my house scared me by telling me that he would make me eat an earthworm. He chased me with a worm in his hands around the house as a mom

    didn't come out to quibble him and tell him to leave me alone.


    Credits:  Charliegraph Creation -- kit Fun at the zoo --  template Cassel  --  paper, spider web and  spider personal





  18. Carole mon père n'a jamais reparlé de l'affaire, il était trop choqué. C'était un homme tellement doux. La chasse à l'arbalète demande de la force pour la transporter car la mienne est assez pesante, par contre pour tirer, cela ne demande aucun effort. Je suis déjà allée à St-John voir mon mari qui y travaillait, les fruits de mer y étaient délicieux. Si tu arrives à lire mes écrits, peux-tu me dire si Google traduit bien mon français ;-)
  19. My day 5


    I used the Thaliris kit: Sweet Cooking and the Cassel model


    My translated text:


    What I prefer to cook are desserts ... Yum, I'm sweeter than salty. I like to do everything, I taste and I try everything I see.


    Next comes the seafood which I love. I do not have the opportunity to cook it often. At the restaurant it is my first choice of menu.


    I don't forget the recipes from our region: like the tourtières from Lac-St-Jean (different from those in Montreal), cabbage cigars, blueberry pies from Lac-St-Jean and many others.


    I always make my recipes in large quantities that I freeze.

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