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Bee Kelly

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  1. Here's my photo of my mother - taken about 1939 that I will be using.
  2. Thank you. I did not save my files. I left the files opened last night and will see if I can save now. If not, I will redo my sandwich before going on and upload. The sandwich video stopped without saving and so I stopped there, too. Good laugh on me - so simple. Thank you for reminding me to use the jpg file to upload.
  3. Sorry I didn't understand how to do lesson 2 uploading the sandwich. Tutorial didn't work.
  4. Thought I was registered. Sorry if I missed that step. I'm still finding my way.
  5. I have finished customizing the Workspace: large icon size; large text size; light gray workspace color; unchecked Tabbed Documents; have Rulers checked;set Edit tab as default; and changed to Use classic Material Palette. I still need to find a picture to use - looking for that now.
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