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Trevor Andrew

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  1. Completed lesson 7 A little confused using vector lays duplicated each looked the same. Decided to rename the layers from the start which made things much better. Then rearranged the order in which was done first, slicing the path then applying tubes seemed to work ok for me. Anyway got the idea after a few attempts, practice, practice. Quiz, I got 8 / 10 Can I ask regarding #1 how many different icons are there to identify the different types of vector objects. What little icons and where are they? I am sure this must be simple but not sure what you are asking here, I thought about Cusp settings etc, I guess a senior moment.
  2. Managed lesson 6 with no problems, certainly easier than switching the paths upside down.
  3. Lesson 5 gave me a lot of trouble suffering from Murphy’s law “If anything simply cannot go wrong, it will anyway”. Finally I realised I had not selected the correct layer, duplicating the path doubled the number of layers, reverse path on a text layer seriously messes things up. Carole mentioned duplicating the vector / layer before adding text, for me that worked as I could “reverse path” on one vector, named as lower text, now typing in correct order. Then tweak the offset making sure the correct layer is selected. A little more practice and still suffering with reverse paths, sometimes seems we have to be specific in the order we do things Still need practice to perfect the workflow.
  4. Lesson 4 Quite a bit going on here, the cut and paste failed first time around, not sure what I did wrong. Keep on trying……. I tried attaching a .pspshape file to share but only jpegs
  5. Lesson three - leaves Practice, practice and again but changing to cusp and back to symmetric was driving me mad, avoiding the duplicate nodes is essential. I have customised my tool bar to create a new one containing Cusp, Symmetric and Convert to Path hopefully that will reduce the mouse clicks, along with the arrow keys to find tune the node positioning. I also select all nodes to set all to Cusp, not sure that option works that well as we have to select Symmetric before activating Cusp and that upsets the path. I will try a few more leaves to get used to tweaking these nodes.
  6. Changing node types Working with lesson 3 I found I was switching node types from cusp to symmetric and back many times found that a bit of a pain. Are there keyboard shortcuts to achieve, I found Ctrl+S switched node type to symmetric but cannot find one for cusp.
  7. Hi Peggy In addition to that web page Carole sends emails containing linked to each lesson. We are working with lesson 3, I am sure Carole will soon send you the links.
  8. Lesson 2 I followed the video and saving the shapes worked correctly and now show in the pre-sets. Thanks Carole I did start to create a group of arrows all went well until the program decided to do its disappearing act, at the time I was working on layers and grouping, then a silent closure. Next time it works ok. Png images are not allowed on the forums so is there any benefit in using a transparent background. For me the squares get in the way, I find it better to use a white background with the grid view, now I find it easier to keep things in proportion. I have also noticed that I can use the arrow keys to move nudge the nodes making positioning much more accurate, need to investigate further I’m sure drawing and using those nodes will get easier with practice, I need to watch that video again.
  9. Hi Middie The round corners are set from the “horizontal radius” and “vertical radius” Your settings show as 115.50 (view your menu bar at the top) Reset those settings to zero, simply type in a 0 and the corners will be a right angle. Carole shows how to set the corners as round in the video.
  10. Now I have a better understanding, not very intuitive, I mean why select the pen tool. I draw a shape on a vector layer, the next step I would imagine is modifying the shape, i would have thought the nodes would be available and not having to activate those. So a new day and I managed to draw the shapes without referring to the video. Bit of trial and error but I got there, found grid lines helped to keep things uniform Just tried attaching a png but only Jpeg allowed which is larger than the png, 15kb to 65kb. (post updated typo)
  11. Hi, registered a little late in the day, yes vectors are a little confusing so this workshop should iron out any issues I have. PSP2023 generally used for editing / cropping / updating images, thank you Cassel
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